The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has launched a campaign for A New Path for Europe.
The campaign aims at driving the European Union in a new direction. Instead of sticking with failed policies, European leaders need to fight for a new path, a plan based on investments in sustainable growth and quality jobs. If not, we will continue to see unemployment rise. Social Europe must not be destroyed.
As part of the campaign, a European demonstration has been called in Brussels on 4 April 2014.
Further information will follow.
'We in the trade union movement do not believe that the crisis is over. The latest unemployment figures show that Europe needs a new path to find its way out of the crisis'
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A key element of the ETUC New Path for Europe (Leaflet) is a bold new investment plan for the EU, based on a sustainable industrial policy and quality jobs.
In addition, the ETUC set-outs its manifesto (Leaflet) for the European Parliament elections, which urges candidates uphold the social dimension of the European Union, and reject any attempts to continue polices that diminish wages and working conditions.
Useful material
- Resolution “A new path for Europe: ETUC plan for investment, sustainable growth and quality jobs"(Several languages available)