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National events held to raise trade union awareness on standardisation 

Together with national trade unions and national standards bodies, the ETUC organises seminars to bring the topic of standardisation on the radar screen.


Luxembourg (6 December 2024, Esch-sur-Alzette)

On 6 December, the ETUC and national affiliate OGBL co-organised an awareness raising event in Luxembourg: “Standardisation - It is also important for Unions”. The event was organised in collaboration with ILNAS, the Luxembourgish Association for Standardisation. Participants learnt about the world of standardisation and its relevance for workers. They gained insights into the interconnection between standards and legislation, and their geopolitical dimension; as well as into the role of the Luxembourgish national standardisation body, ILNAS, and the different kinds of trainings it offers to experts interested in standardisation. Throughout the day, three practical case studies were also presented to people in the room: with examples from human resource management, occupational health and safety, and AI, speakers shared their direct experience in the world of standardisation, highlighting how it impacts workers on a daily basis. This event is part of the ETUC STAND’s work aimed at raising awareness at national level around standardisation. Twice a year, the ETUC organises similar workshops in cooperation with national affiliates, in order to increase awareness within the trade union movement about the world of standards, their influence at the workplace, and their development process.

EU-wide (4 October 2024, Online)

On 4 October 2024, the ETUC held an awareness event around standardisation and its relevance for trade unions in collaboration with its affiliate UNI Europa – the European Services Workers Union. The meeting was attended by over 40 participants. Over the course of 3 hours, presentations covered the basics of standardisation, the political context that surrounds it, the implications for workers and practical examples highlighting the relevance for trade union involvement in steering the content of standards that affect workers. 

Spain (22 May 2024, Madrid)

Together with USO, the ETUC organised a national workshop in Spain. The event gathered around 50 participants and was kindly hosted in the premises of UNE, the Spanish Association for Standardisation. Speakers contributed by sharing insights into what standardisation is, why it is important for trade unions, and how it works at both EU and national level. Participants further learnt about the role in this field of the European Commission and of the Spanish Standardisation Body. Practical case studies were also shared with participants, with a focus on standardisation in relation to artificial intelligence and the quality of air in plane cabins. An important message shared during the meeting is that, while the ETUC opposes new standardisation activities that may cover workers’ matters – as these should be addressed through legislation and collective bargaining – we follow a constructive approach on standardisation work that can have an impact on the daily lives of workers.

Austria (24 November 2023, Vienna)

The national workshop was organised by the ETUC in collaboration with ÖGB (ETUC’s Austrian Affiliate), AKWien and ASI (Austria’s standardisation body). Various speakers contributed to the workshop by providing background information on how standardisation processes work and how to (try to) influence the content of standards. ASI informed that, in its effort to ensure an inclusive standardisation process, Trade Unions can join ASI mirror committees, at no cost. During the morning session, practical experience cases on the elaboration of the standards for the air quality in civil airplanes, the mental workload and on use of standards in collective agreements were provided. The workshop was concluded with a high-level debate, complemented with contributions from the audience, on various topics such as the interactions between legislation and standardisation, interaction between international and European/national standardisation work and legal aspect regarding the citation of standards in regulations.

Germany (18 November 2022, Berlin)

DGB, the German ETUC Affiliate, an the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) organised their national awareness event, in presence of the German MEP Malte Gallée as well as the German authorities and employees. Through practical examples, the participants learned how workers related aspects are now part of the (technical) standards. DIN, the German standardisation body, provided information how the standardisation system works. These direct contacts facilitated further dialogue between the different stakeholders, especially in the light of the EU standardisation strategy (published in 2022).

France (24 October 2022, Paris)

ETUC and ETUI, as well as the French ETUC affiliates CGT, FO and CFDT co-organised their national awareness event on standardisation at the AFNOR premises in St-Denis (Paris). A wide variety of stakeholders, beyond the French trade unions, joined the study day.

Slovenia (30 November 2021, Virtual)

The Slovenian virtual awareness event took place on 30 November and focussed on OSH standards. Over 300 Slovenian participants registered. The event was co-organised with ZSSS, the ETUC Slovenian affiliate. SIST, the Slovenian standardisation body, provided the necessary input to have a better understanding how Slovenian trade unions can join their decision making processes.

Sweden (20 May 2021, Virtual)

The Swedish event, which took place on 20 May 2021, was co-organised with LO-Sweden. It attracted more than 60 Swedish participants. SIS, the Swedish national standardisation body, entered into dialogue with the different participants.

 Finland (19 November 2020, Virtual)

In 2020 the ETUC organised a national awareness event on standardisation, with the Finnish affiliates AKAVA, SAK and STTK. The virtual event took place on 19 November 2020. SFS, the Finnish national standardisation body, provided clarifications how the standardisation system works and how influence on the standards can be exercised.

Cyprus and Romania (28 March 2019, Bucharets; and 3 April 2019, Nikosia)

The joint event of the Romanian Trade Unions - ASRO - ETUC took take place on 28 March 2019, Bucharest, Romania. The joint event of SEK - CYS - ETUC took take place on 3 April 2019, Nikosia, Cyprus.

Latvia (13 June 2018, Riga)

Together with LBAS, Union of Independent Trade Unions of Latvia, and LVS, Latvian Standards Institute, the ETUC hold an event on standardisation on 13 June in Riga. The seminar "Standardisation: It is also important for trade unions" made standardisation more understandable and visible to trade unionists and clarified the link between trade union work and standardisation. The speakers explained the standardisation process at the Latvian, European and international level and the necessity to involve trade unions in the standardisation process. In the afternoon, companies involved in the standard-setting process in Latvia gave their perspective and shared examples of best practice.

Netherlands (25 October 2018, Utrecht)

Together with the Netherlands Trade Union Confederation FNV and the Dutch Standards Institute, NEN, the ETUC organised an awareness-raising seminar on 25 October 2018.  The event focused on the participation of trade unions in standardisation at national and European levels. It gave rise to an animated discussion with a lot of questions and comments.The seminar laid a good foundation for the (further) involvement of workers and their trade unions in standardisation. The participants concluded that at both national and European levels, workers have the opportunity to influence standards and thus improve their health and safety. And the added value of workers’ participation in the field of health and safety standardisation is undeniable. Moreover, since 2018, the Dutch ministry has facilitated trade union participation in standard-setting activities. This support has led to a renewed relationship between the trade unions and NEN.

Lithuania (18 October 2018, Vilnius)

On 18 October 2018, the Lithuanian Trade Union Solidarumas (LPSS), in cooperation with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK), the Lithuanian Labour Federation (LDF), and the Lithuanian Standardisation Department, hosted a seminar Standardisation – It Is Also Important for Trade Unions, in Vilnius.

The event raised awareness among Lithuanian trade unions of the benefits of being more actively involved in standard-setting. At the end of the seminar, the Lithuanian Standardisation Department thanked everyone for a very useful and worthwhile conference and suggested signing a cooperation agreement with the Lithuanian trade unions, to participate in designing new standards and sharing information about recently adopted ones. The agreement will be signed in mid-December and will be a first step towards a fruitful collaboration.

Are you interested in joining us?

The ETUC is looking for trade union members and workers’ representatives interested in the world of standards to join the ETUC expert network! We work on a range of areas of relevance for workers. These include standards which address duties and qualifications of the work force as well as social aspects. These cover maintenance & facility management, horizontal services, healthcare, private security services, etc. Other areas where workers and labour issues are involved will follow.

To get involved and for any further information on the ETUC STAND project and/or standard-setting activities, do not hesitate to take contact with us at [email protected].