Debate on the Company Law Package
European Parliament, Room JAN 4Q2
Active language
Anglais, AllemandEvent details
on 17 October 2018, 13h00 – 14h30
European Parliament, Room JAN 4Q2
The European Trade Union Confederation, the German Trade Union Confederation, the Austrian Trade Union Federation and the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour invites you to a debate on the Company Law Package which is under discussion in the European Parliament.
The ETUC proposes a number of improvements to make sure that the package will deliver a balanced directiveto business and workers. Unfortunately, as it stands now it will facilitate company mobility, mergers, conversions, divisions without taking any step towards more democracy at work. It might well end with a multiplication of letter box companies, circumvention of social security, taxation and workers’ rights.
The ETUC is convinced that workers must have a say on such important company decisions. The package is unfair and helps only the business side whereas proposing no progress on information, consultation and board-level representation as asked for by ETUC since 2014/16.
The ETUC is campaigning for more democracy at work and one important action is to collect signature for a European Appeal in favor of greater participation of workers: http://european-appeal.org/
We have the pleasure to announce that Evelyn Regner (Member of European Parliament and Rapporteur on cross-border conversion, mergers and divisions),Peter Scherrer (ETUC Deputy-General Secretary), Michael Vassiliadis (President of industriAllEurope) and Josef Muchitsch (President of the Austrian Construction and Wood Workers Union and Member of the Austrian Parliament) will give an input to start the debate.
We invite you to join us and looking forward seeing you for this important debate, which will held in English and German with simultaneous translation. A sandwich lunch will be provided. If you like to attend, please register until 12th October 2018 via [email protected].
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