The ETUC deeply regrets the European Parliament’s decision not to vote on the revision of the Regulations on the coordination of social security systems

The plenary of the European Parliament decided today by a very narrow majority not to have a vote on the report on the coordination of social security systems and therefore not to adopt a first reading position before the end of the term.

Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary, declared: “it is regrettable that a majority of Members of the European Parliament decided not to vote on the revision of the coordination of social security systems. The provisions included in the report of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee would have constituted an important step forward for mobile workers’ rights and for the fight against fraud and abuses in the field of social security. This is a very negative choice and a missed opportunity for a much needed revision of the social security rules. The conservative groups of the European Parliament gave a very negative message to European workers by voting not to have a decision. We will continue to work with the next European Parliament and the European Commission to ensure the revision of the Regulations on the coordination of social security systems, in order to safeguard and strengthen mobile workers’ rights and conditions and to introduce effective and ambitious provisions against fraud and abuses in the field of social security and posting of workers”.

Social Security system
Communiqué de presse