Workers are at the forefront of the battle against coronavirus, and millions of workers are experiencing many difficulties in their lives and in making a living caused by measures to tackle the pandemic. National trade unions across Europe are working hard to achieve agreements between unions and employers (and governments) to deal with the serious economic impacts on workers and enterprises.
- Coronavirus exposes danger of cuts to sick pay for Europe’s workers since the financial crisis
- ETUC on EU response to economic impact of Coronavirus
- ETUC Declaration on the COVID-19 Outbreak
- ETUC for Covid Bonds & postponing country recommendations
- ETUC letter to Presidents Michel, von der Leyen and Centeno
- ETUC Letter to EU Institutions on Emergency measures to save jobs and protect workers’ rights in the European Union
- ETUC reveals measures won by unions to protect jobs and wages across Europe
- Companies must suspend payouts to shareholders during coronavirus crisis
- Letter to Croatian Government on suspension of labour & social rights
- Situation in Hungary : Letter to President and Prime Minister of Hungary and Letter to President of the European Commission
- Joint letter of the European Social Partners to the European Commission on the situation in Poland
- ETUC comments on the European Commission ‘Guidelines on Free Movement of Workers during the COVID-19 Outbreak’
- ETUC comments on the Commission Communication on a phased and coordinated approach for restoring freedom of movement
- ETUC note on Posted Workers and the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Anticipating and managing the COVID-19 crisis impact on jobs and workplaces: Swift action needed to enforce rights to worker involvement - Joint ETUC and ETUFs letter to EU Commissioner Schmit
- ETUC note on violations of OSH regulations in returning to the workplace
- ETUC Comments on the Commission Guidelines on Seasonal Workers
- International Workers’ Memorial Day 2020: Recognising COVID-19 as an occupational disease - Joint ETUC and ETUFs letter to EU Commissioner Schmit
European Social Partners:
Trade unions, where possible, are concluding agreements with employers and Governments to put in place measures and resources to keep workers safe, to protect their jobs and incomes during the coronavirus crisis no matter what their job, occupation or employment relationship. Such ‘social dialogue’ agreements have the potential to address the real problems faced by workers and companies.
ETUC member organisations:
- Austria: Corona: short-time work package secures employment / Social partners negotiate 400 million euros for short-time work - Agreement of short Time Working in Austria
- Belgium: Joint social partners statements - FGTB web page - CSC webpage - CGSLB webpage - Update of the situation on 23/03
- Bulgaria: CITUB position - Tripartite Council Decision - CITUB Update
- Croatia: UATUC's dedicated website on workers' rights
- Czech Republic: CMKOS position regarding the COVID-19 crisis
- Denmark: Fact sheet "Tripartite agreement aims to help employees" - Fact sheet "Working time distribution will become more flexible" - Tripartite agreement on temporary wage compensation for private sector employees
- Finland: Information from SAK - STTK daily reactions and Social partner agreement - Short update (3/04) -
- France: Q&A webpage by CFDT - CFDT press releases and result of social partners meeting - Q&A webpage by UNSA - Blog personnel de Laurent Escure, secrétaire général de l'UNSA - Dossier de l'UNSA consacré à la crise du Coronavirus - Dossier de la CGT Covid -19: quels sont vos droits? - Communiqué de presse de la CGT "Le monde du travail doit être mobilisé uniquement pour les besoins essentiels" - Tract de la CGT "La priorité c'est protéger" - CFDT Tract - Dossier web de la CFDT
- Greece: GSEE Update
- Hungary - Information from Liga on State of emergency due to COVID 19
- Ireland: ICTU demands
- Italy: Protocollo condiviso (IT) - Protocollo condiviso (EN) - Comunicato stampa unitario - CGIL Update on Italian measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic - Essential Firms Agreed - A CISL testimony from Bergamo
- Latvia: Statement of Latvia social partners - LBAS Statement - Update on Goverment decision agreed with social partners
- Lithuania: LPSK Information - Letter from "Solidarumas" - LPSK on recent developments
- Luxembourg: OGBL Press releases on urgent measures - LCGB Press release
- Malta: MUT (For.U.M) and Government Agree on School Closure Details
- The Netherlands: Stichting corona - Q&A web page by FNV
- Norway: LO Updates - YS analysis - Labour market and Economic measures in Norway (YS)
- Noth Macedonia: SSM demands
- Poland: OPZZ letter to the prime minister - Joint appeal of social partners - Letter of protest of Polish Social Partners - Information note
- Portugal: UGT-P note - CGTP-IN Note
- Spain: SPs Comunicado Agentes Sociales - UGT web page - UGT Informe English version - UGT Informe Version française - Web page CC.OO - Updated information by CCOO (EN) - Updated information by CCOO (ES) - Joint Social Partners Submission - Nota de prensa conjuntas CCOO-UGT Consejos de Ministros 17/03 - USO web page
- Sweden: Agreement between unions, employers and government in Sweden (LO) - TCO Central collective agreement on short-term work & crisis package
- Switzerland: Statement from Swiss Trade Union Confederation SGB/USS - Révéndications pour la phase d'overture (Travail Suisse)
- Turkey: Statements from DİSK and KESK - HAK-IS Statement - DISK, KESK, TTB, TMMOB joint statement on response to coronavirus - Latest Updated Report by HAK-IS
- United Kingdom: A Better Recovery (TUC report)
European Trade Union Federations & National sectoral union agreements:
- Italy: Avviso comune - Verbale di riunione (I) - Verbale di riunione (II) - Protocollo condiviso
- ETF: letter to the European Commission on drivers
Food & agriculture
- EFFAT: Workers in agriculture food production and tourism deserve better protection - Webpage dedicated to COVID19
- IndustriAll-Europe: COVID19 Monitor Webpage
- ETUCE: COVID19 information hub
- EFBWW: Covid 19 dedicated web page
- Uni-Europa: List of European-wide statements
Public Services