Call to Action : ETUC calls on MEPs to support the draft report on the Employment Guidelines

Brussels, July 8th 2020

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

I am writing to you regarding the draft European Parliament report (A9-0124/2020) on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, to be voted tomorrow in plenary.

The European Trade Union Confederation welcomes the proposal of the European Commission to revise the Employment Guidelines, but given the severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic we are asking for a more substantial revision. EU Member States need to adapt their employment policies to deal with the pandemic and recover successfully. If properly designed, the Guidelines can be an important tool for Member States in developing and implementing policies and measures, involving the social partners, to not only mitigate the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 crisis but also to emerge from it without neither undermining labour and social rights nor losing competitiveness.

ETUC supports the draft EP report as adopted by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, as it is in line with the above-mentioned priorities. We hope that you can support the draft report, as it stands, in the vote tomorrow.

Best regards,

Per Hilmersson

ETUC Deputy General Secretary