
Democracy at Work strategy

Democracy at Work is well enshrined in the ETUC's fight for a fair deal for workers. For instance, it is features in the ETUC's Action Programme 2023-2027 & the ETUC's Manifesto for the European elections.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, ETUC & European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) started a strategy for More Democracy at Work. It aims at increasing trade union efforts, strengthening the coordination and mobilising affiliates and workers’ representatives to action. Find out more.


The ETUC organises several conferences, seminars, online events and much more. It's a perfect opportunity to meet with trade unionists, practitioners, (European) works council members and decision-makers. The most prominent is the Annual ETUC EWC Conference (check out this year's edition), where EWC representatives have the opportunity to exchange with representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament and national governments. Check out our agenda.

Democracy at Work goes local: What's happening in your country on Democracy at Work? The ETUC is regularly organising events with affiliates on different issues related to Democracy at Work - if wished at their premises. Mail us if you're interested to host a joint event in your country.

Keep pushing

The ETUC maintains its tight ties to the European institutions – in particular to the European Parliament. We strive to make our voice heard and to underline workers’ information, consultation and participation rights. Lately, the European Parliament adopted a Report on Democracy at Work including the ETUC's demands on a new framework directive on workers' information, consultation and board level representation. As to the European Works Council Directive, the European Commission has proposed to revise the Directive, which is currently negotiated at European level.

The ETUC keeps regular contacts with the European Commission, in particular with DG EMPLOYMENT. In case of violation of European workers' rights, the ETUC supports its affiliates when reaching out to European decision makers and makes the case.

Upon request from the unions and affiliates involved, the ETUC also engages in actions towards managements of specific companies.


The ETUC together with national confederations organise a series of events in different EU countries related to the framework of the Democracy at work strategy.

In the past the ETUC and the European Trade Union Federations have run several mobilisation actions, such as on Human Rights Due Diligence or for More Democracy at Work.

Awareness raising

The ETUC issues online communication material through its website and social media involving EWC members and other workers’ representatives. Further dissemination material is produced to raise awareness of workers’ rights and possibilities, including for access to justice in case of violations of existing requirements. Find all the materials in our document library.

These communication efforts also include political, organisational and communication support on specific cases of restructuring where ICP rights have not been respected.

Practical support to our affiliates

A series of workshops is organised by the ETUC to train EWC members and other workers’ representatives on key issues (e.g. litigations, workers’ rights in restructuring processes…).

Find out about upcoming seminars, training sessions, etc.