Foresight: Commission Recognises Need For New Economic Model

Commenting on today’s Strategic Foresight Report by the European Commission, ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr said:

“The ETUC is encouraged by the Commission’s recognition that a new economic model is needed to achieve the green and digital transitions.  We support the Commission’s view that the twin transitions must be fair to all and the calls for “reinforcing social protection” and “employment rescue facilities and policies assisting labour market transitions to cope with shocks”. We are also heartened by the key areas of action including social and economic cohesion, education and training and additional investment and the need to move beyond GDP to measure economic performance.  The real challenge is to turn good analysis into positive action.”

“In an era when politicians only seem to focus on the short-term it is refreshing and useful to bring together a more social, greener and digital approach for the future.”

Communiqué de presse