Invitation: Seminar on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) 26 January 2024 Amsterdam (Netherlands)

26 janvier 2024 09:00-18:00

De Burcht

Henri Polaklaan 9
1018 CP Netherlands

Brussels 13 December 2023

  • ETUC Ad hoc working group on EU legislation on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence and Sustainable Corporate Governance 
  • Workers’ Participation and Company Policy Committee
  • Member Organisations.

Dear Colleagues,

In the framework of the Democracy at Work Project, we kindly invite you to a seminar on 26 January 2024 on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

You can register for the event via this link (before 12th January) & save the date in your calendars. Please don’t reserve your travel until you’ve received a confirmation mail.

Practical Information

The seminar will take place in Utrecht (Netherlands) and will last from the morning of 26 January until the afternoon. We encourage participants to arrive on 25 January to be able to join the seminar in the morning of 26 January.

About the seminar

The CSRD establishes reporting obligations for companies operating within the EU, requiring them to disclose key information annually on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. It applies to ≈50,000 large EU companies, listed SMEs, and non-EU companies with branches or subsidiaries in the EU that surpass certain thresholds.

The Directive is currently not transposed yet into national law in all Member States, so it provides a unique opportunity for trade unions to strategically influence the transposition process at the national level. Notably, trade unions can advocate for and influence the incorporation of mandatory reporting on critical social matters under national law. This empowers trade unions to actively shape the reporting landscape, ensuring that essential social metrics, such as employment, collective bargaining, social dialogue, health and safety, are comprehensively covered.

Draft programme

10:45    PANEL DISCUSSION CSRD – A step towards more sustainable business or a lost opportunity

14: 00   Workshop 1: How to use the CSR Directive in practice & transposition

15:45    Workshop 2: Best practices for sustainable business reporting & workers’ involvement

The exact venue as well as a draft agenda will follow as soon as possible.

Please note that European Commission introduced new rules for reimbursement, please read them carefully. 

European federations are invited to circulate the invitation among their members.

For any information please do not hesitate to contact Niklas Franke, ETUC Project Officer at [email protected].  

Kind regards

Isabelle Schömann
Deputy General Secretary


About the seminar

The CSRD establishes reporting obligations for companies operating within the EU, requiring them to disclose key information annually on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. It applies to ≈50,000 large EU companies, listed SMEs, and non-EU companies with branches or subsidiaries in the EU that surpass certain thresholds.

The Directive is currently not transposed yet into national law in all Member States, so it provides a unique opportunity for trade unions to strategically influence the transposition process at the national level. Notably, trade unions can advocate for and influence the incorporation of mandatory reporting on critical social matters under national law. This empowers trade unions to actively shape the reporting landscape, ensuring that essential social metrics, such as employment, collective bargaining, social dialogue, health and safety, are comprehensively covered.

On the day of the seminar we expect some high-level speakers to debate about the impact of this new legislation. Moreover, the seminar will feature two workshop sessions on how to use the CSRD in practice and what are the some best practices for sustainable business reporting & workers’ involvement.