Czech Republic: next stage of the ETUC tour of EU capitals to promote the social dimension of the EU

Brussels, 07/06/2013

In view of the upcoming European Summit on 27-28 June, the ETUC has decided to do a "Tour of European Capitals" to promote the social dimension of the European Union (EU). With this in mind, Bernadette Ségol, Secretary General of ETUC and Jaroslav Zavadil, Chairman of the Czech-Moravian Chamber of Trade Unions (CMKOS), will meet with the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman and the Prime Minister, Petr Ne?as.
At this meeting, the trade unions will voice their support for a radical change in the direction of European policies towards one based on a recovery and investment plan targeting job creation and fighting unemployment, in particular youth unemployment.

As the ETUC recently reiterated in its mid-term conference, employment must be the absolute top priority if we are to break the vicious circle of "recession-unemployment-dismantling of the social model". Concrete alternatives to the austerity policies currently imposed do exist.

A press information point will be organised at the seat of the Czech government at 3:45 p.m. For further information, consult: [email protected]

- ETUC position on the social dimension of the European Union:
- ETUC launches a tour of EU Capitals:

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