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12.04.2024 Press release

EU poll shows MEPs must reject austerity 2.0

The results of the newly released EU poll on social Europe show why the European Parliament should reject proposed fiscal rules that would reimpose austerity. 
11.04.2024 Press release

ECB must accept there is no wage-price spiral

Responding to the decision to maintain interest rates at record high levels, ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch said: “High interest rates mean ordinary people are paying for an inflation crisis fueled by corporate profiteering.

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08.04.2024 Document

Trade unions and the world of standardisation

Trade unions and the world of standardisation  Resolution adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 26-27 March 2024 Technical standards also affect workers
05.04.2024 Document

ETUC support for the ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice

ETUC support for the ILO Global Coalition for Social Justice Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 26-27 March 2024 Europe has a social justice emergency. The ETUC is at the forefront of the fight for a fair deal for workers, their families and their communities throughout Europe. 
See what happened at the latest Congress