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01.07.2024 Document

Ensuring security: New impulse for peace needed

Ensuring security: New impulse for peace needed  Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 24-25 June 2024  In line with its Constitution and with its Charter of Values, the ETUC recalls that peace is a precondition for the full exercise of human rights and stable democracy and that there is no peace and security without social justice. 
27.06.2024 Document

Esther Lynch: 5th Anniversary of the European Labour Authority

ELA Annual Conference
Speaking at its 2024 Annual Conference on 27 June, which marks the 5th anniversary of the European Labour Authority, Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the ETUC gave the following keynote speech on ‘Navigating Europe’s Labour Mobility Landscape:5 years of ELA and 30 years of EURES’: Dear Executive Director Boiangu, Commissioner Schmit and Deputy Prime Minister Dermagne and distinguished guests,
27.06.2024 Document

ETUC response to the Commission’s first-phase consultation of the European social partners on possible action in the area of telework and workers’ right to disconnect

On 30 April 2024, the European Commission presented the first-phase consultation of social partners under Article 154 TFEU on possible EU action in the area of telework and workers' right to disconnect. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) expressly welcomes the Commission's initiative and is pleased to answer the three consultation questions below.
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