21.01.2025 Document

Statement on Belarus

Stand with Belarus
We welcome European Parliament resolution and reiterate that free trade unions are the cornerstone of democracy.
19.12.2024 Document

Urgent letter of the ETUC on the upcoming Competitiveness Compass

Dear President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen,We are writing to you in view of the publication the Competitiveness Compass to ask you to ensure that quality jobs are recognised as a key component for European competitiveness and to commit to deliver the legislative initiatives and investments needed to ensure quality jobs in all sectors and regions.
18.12.2024 Document

ETUC policy against forced labour and human trafficking

ETUC policy against forced labour and human trafficking  Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 10-11 December 2024 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is committed to fight against forced labour and human trafficking in all its forms, and to promoting decent work and human dignity for all workers. We believe strong trade unions and a collective agreement are the most effective protection against exploitation.
18.12.2024 Document

ETUC Position on EU Digital Trade Agreements with 3rd countries

Adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 10-11 December 2024 According to the European Commission, digital trade covers trade in goods and services enabled by the internet and other information and communication technologies. This includes goods or services ordered online that are later delivered at home or through the internet such as apps on smartphones and computers; use of technologies such as those used for tracking in real time; transfer of data across borders (e.g. data stored in the cloud when working online).