• 12.03.2014 Document

    Resolution on Airbus union members indicted in Spain

    Resolution adopted by the ETUC Executive Committee at its meeting on 11-12 March 2014 On 29 September 2010, Spain’s main unions the CCOO and UGT (Comisiones Obreras and Unión General de Trabajadores) called for a general strike to express their opposition to the policies implemented by the national government regarding labour issues, which represented a sharp decline in the rights of workers. The right to strike is a fundamental right enshrined in the Spanish Constitution, which must be protected especially when exercised.
  • 17.12.2013 Document

    ETUC resolution for a more effective protection of migrants and refugees, their lives and their rights on the EU's borders

    Source Flickr.com - Blindranger
    Brussels, 03-04/12/2013 - The dramatic events in Lampedusa provoked a wave of indignation throughout Europe and worldwide. It is one of the recurrent tragedies involving migrants on the border of Europe, notably in the Mediterranean Sea. - The Southern routes of migration will be fed by wars and persecutions and natural events hitting the population in Africa and in the Middle East. The political instability of such areas reduces margins of cooperation with origin/transit countries.
  • 03.12.2013 Document

    ETUC declaration on Ukraine

    Brussels, 03/12/2013 The Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today considered worrying developments in Ukraine and condemned the violent repression of demonstrators in Kiev. They expressed regret that the conditions were not right for the partnership agreement with the EU to be concluded in Vilnius on 29 November 2013.
  • 03.12.2013 Document

    ETUC resolution Stop the deregulation of Europe: Rethink Refit

    Adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee on 3-4 December 2013   With the publication of REFIT (Regulatory Fitness and Performance: Results and Next Steps) on 2 October 2013, the Commission took yet another step in a process aimed at the deregulation of Europe, the dismantling of legislation protecting workers’ rights and the weakening of social dialogue.
  • 19.11.2013 Document

    Strengthening information, consultation and participation rights for all workers

    Brussels, 22-23/10/2013 The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, declared the shutdown of ERT a threat to “freedom and pluralism in the media”. The public media as an independent voice is a pillar of western democratic systems and has the permanent role of monitoring and supervision of the other powers. Never before has such a case of the quasi elimination of the media happened in democratic systems. This case once again shows that economic democracy and democracy in the workplace in particular need to be strengthened.
  • 07.11.2013 Document

    The ETUC's Priorities for the 2014 Annual Growth Survey

    Brussels, 22-23/10/2013    Key messages •    Europe’s major challenge is to transform what could be the end of a recession into a robust process of self-sustained growth, with mutually strengthening investment, demand and job creation adding to growth dynamics •    To achieve this, the strategy of austerity and structural deregulation needs major change
  • 23.10.2013 Document

    ETUC Statement to the European Council: A European recovery plan is urgent

    Brussels, 23/10/2013 The current multi-faceted crisis exploded five years ago essentially in the financial sector; it triggered an economic and then a sovereign debt crisis. To combat this crisis EU leaders have adopted and implemented policies through brutal austerity measures and internal devaluation. This exacerbated the crisis, destroyed functioning economic structures, reduced consumption, increased inequalities and poverty, attacked wage levels, dramatically raised unemployment, jeopardised social cohesion and the support to the EU project.
  • 23.10.2013 Document

    The ETUC Coordination of Collective Bargaining and Wages in the EU Economic Governance

    Brussels, 23/10/2013          •    The EU economic governance introduced unwanted interventions on collective bargaining and wage setting mechanisms, particularly through the CSRs. •    In this context a new method of internal and autonomous coordination is needed to prevent and/or counter such interventions, by involving the ETUC affiliates in a multi-level exercise (EU, national, sectoral), fully respecting the autonomy of social partners at the appropriate levels.
  • 20.10.2013 Document

    ETUC Manifesto on the European Parliament Elections

    Brussels, 22-23/10/2013 For quality jobs, equality and democracy in Europe! From 22 to 25 May 2014, elections will be organised in each Member State of the European Union (EU) to elect the MEPs who will sit in the next European Parliament (EP). In particular, the European Parliament has the power to approve or reject European laws, decide on the European budget and choose the President of the European Commission.