04.07.2024 Document

Traineeship Package

Traineeship Package Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 25-26 June 2024.
04.10.2023 Document

ETUC response to the second-phase consultation of Social Partners under Article 154 TFEU on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC)

Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 27-28 September 2023 In its legislative-initiative resolution[1] adopted by a large majority on 2 February 2023, the European Parliament called on the Commission to revise the European Works Council Directive[2]  with the aim of strengthening European Works Councils (EWCs) and their ability to exercise their right to information and consultation.
02.10.2023 Document

ETUC position on the response to the Social Partner Consultation on CMRD6

ETUC position on the  response to the Social Partner Consultation on CMRD6 Adopted at the Executive Committee of 27-28 September 2023 Introduction The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) welcomes the European Commission’s intention to revise the Directive on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic substances at work (CMRD or Directive 2004/37/EC).
12.04.2023 Document

ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments)

ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments) Position adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 30-31 March 2023 The reform of the economic governance of the European Union issued on 9 November 2022 should be assessed as insufficient. The European Commission's (EC) proposal appears inconsistent with both the Versailles Declaration of 11 March 2022 and Porto’s Social Summit Conclusions in 2021. Social and sustainability frameworks, such as the EPSR and SDGs, are disregarded.