• 06.12.2018 Document

    European Labour Authority one step closer

    EU Employment Ministers today agreed a ‘general approach’ on the Regulation establishing a European Labour Authority (ELA). This now means the final regulation to set up the Authority will be negotiated in trialogue discussions between national government officials, MEPs and the European Commission.
  • 05.12.2018 Document

    Trade unions ‘just transition’ demands take root in UN climate action

    Montserrat at Cop 24
    Trade unions this week succeeded in getting Just Transition accepted as an integral part of the UN framework of climate action. At the opening of COP24 in Katowice the Polish Presidency presented its ‘Solidarity and Just Transition Silesia Declaration’ with the full support of the European Union. The declaration
  • 25.11.2018 Document

    Democracy under attack - A call for action

    Cover signatories
    Our democracies are under attack. The rise of hate, divisive, and socially and environmentally destructive political forces– including in many EU countries – are putting our democracies at risk.
  • 23.11.2018 Document

    ETUC position on the proposal of Pan European Personal Pensions (PEPP)

    ETUC position on the proposal of Pan European Personal Pensions (PEPP) Adopted at the Executive Committee of 23-24 October 2018 Key messages 1. The regulation of a Pan-European Personal Pension product, currently under the Trialogue process, should acknowledge the high social relevance of pension savings. Despite its nature within the financial market dimension, PEPPs should remain restricted to the market of private products, freely but with high safety guarantees available to individuals.
  • 24.10.2018 Document

    Joint ETUC/ETUCE reaction to EC proposal for ErasmusProgramme (2021-2027)

    Joint ETUC-ETUCE Reflection to Proposal on the Erasmus Programme 2021-27:  October, 2018                                                                   Background On 30 May 2018, the European Commission published its Proposal for establishing 'Erasmus': the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013.
  • 10.09.2018 Document

    ETUC – CLC joint statement on the Sustainable Development Chapter in CETA - 10 September 2018

    ETUC – CLC joint statement on the Sustainable Development Chapter in CETA Trade unions in the EU and Canada are united in our call for progressive trade deals that promote decent jobs, protect and enhance labour rights, protect public services and lead to fair distribution of wealth. We worked together throughout the negotiations on CETA to call for the deal to respect these objectives.
  • 10.08.2018 Document

    ETUC letter: Lithuania needs a significant increase of the minimum monthly wage

    Letter sent to Saulius Skvernelis, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania  Subject: Lithuania needs a significant increase of the minimum monthly wage The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) supports the position of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LTUC/LPSK), which is its affiliate, and favours its aim to raise the minimum monthly wage in Lithuania by 50 instead of 20 euros.
  • 10.07.2018 Document

    Joint statement of European and Ukrainian trade unions on trade union rights in Ukraine

    EU - Ukraine
    Considering that the 20th EU-Ukraine Summit is held in Brussels on the 9th of July 2018, and that the meeting of the Council of the EU-Ukraine Association is planned in December, the European and Ukrainian trade unions believe that urgent measures should be taken, with the support of the European Commission, to improve the social and economic situation in the country, and to increase the effectiveness of social dialogue and adherence to the fundamental ILO Conventions.
  • 09.07.2018 Document

    ETUC - JTUC-RENGO Joint Statement on EU-Japan EPA negotiations

    Meeting with Rengo
    The negotiations of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) were finalised in December last year. The signature of the EPA is foreseen on 11 July 2018. Separate negotiations on investment protection continue in parallel. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC-RENGO) recognize the importance of creating frameworks for economic cooperation between EU and Japan, which are major mutual trading partners, in guiding both economies onto a stable and sustainable growth trajectory, and establishing sustainable employment.