• 05.05.2017 Document

    French Presidential election

    French presidential elections are crucial not only for France but for the whole of Europe. France has always been at the heart of the European Union, and the risk of a French President who is opposed to the EU and who calls into question France’s membership of the Euro and the European Union, is very worrying. The European Trade Union Confederation supports the European integration and calls for a more just, social, inclusive and democratic Europe.
  • 28.02.2017 Document

    The ETUC stands firmly against social dumping and for a fair internal market

    The ETUC stands firmly against social dumping and for a fair internal market Adopted at the Executive Meeting of 15 and 16 March   The Executive committee of the ETUC in its meeting on the 15 & 16 of March in Malta discussed the new Services Package, including the European Services e-Card, as presented by the European Commission on the 10th of January.
  • 17.10.2016 Document

    ETUC position on Mid-Term review/revision of the MFF 2014-2020

    Brussels, 17 November 2016 ETUC position on Mid-Term review/revision of the MFF 2014-2020 Adopted at the Executive Committee of 26-27 October 2016   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The present ETUC Position is a first analysis and input into the current and coming debates on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 in the context of the mid-term review/revision of the MFF.
  • 14.10.2016 Document

    Industrial Regions and Climate Change policies: Trade Union's perspectives – detailed case studies

      Last week, the ETUC organised a final conference within the context of its project entitled “Industrial Regions and Climate Change policies: Trade Union’s perspectives”. The final conference concluded an 18-month project funded by the European Commission those focus is on organising the transition to a low-carbon economy in regions which still highly rely on carbon-intensive activities.
  • 09.09.2016 Document

    ETUC Position on the European Pillar of Social Rights - Working for a Better Deal for All Workers

    ETUC Priorities for the current phase of the European Commission Consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights, adopted at the ETUC Extraordinary Executive Committee Meeting on 6 September 2016 Working for a Better Deal for All Workers This Position Paper sets out the ETUC’s observations and recommendations on the European Pillar of Social Rights at the halfway point of the consultation process and summarises the ETUC demands under seven priority areas. These are:
  • 19.07.2016 Document

    ETUC – BusinessEurope joint declaration on China's Market Economy Status

    The European Union and China have a multidimensional economic relationship—we trade over 1 billion euro per day, we are negotiating an investment agreement, and we look forward to China’s accession to the Government Procurement Agreement of the WTO-World Trade Organisation. It is in the interest of European business and trade unions that the EU strives for a balanced economic relationship with China. However, the question of how to treat China in anti-dumping investigations will feature prominently in our relationship this year.