• 19.12.2006 Document

    The coordination of collective bargaining 2007

    Brussels, 07-08 December 2006 1. The need to strengthen the European dimension of collective bargaining: Wages and working conditions under pressure from the European Economic Model
  • 06.12.2006 Document

    On the Communication "Global Europe: competing in the world"

    Brussels, 7-8 December 2006 I. Introduction 1. On 4 October 2006, the Commission published a Communication entitled "Global Europe: competing in the world", welcomed by the General Affairs council of 12 November 2006. That text proposes that EU external trade policy be reoriented through a number of initiatives to be given effect late in 2006 and early in 2007. The ETUC wishes to set out in this resolution the position it has already expressed in a press release and at two conferences organised by the Trade Commissioner.
  • 31.10.2006 Document

    The European Qualifications Framework

    Brussels, 18-19 October 2006 Introduction The European Commission has recently adopted a proposal for a ‘Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF)'. The EQF is designed to create common references to help the Member States, enterprises and citizens to compare the certifications issued by the various European education and training systems.
  • 27.10.2006 Document

    Social Services of General Interest (ETUC response to the Commission's communication)

    Brussels, 18-19 October 2006 1. On 26 April 2006, the Commission published its communication “Implementing the Community Lisbon programme: Social services of general interest in the European Union” (COM (2006) 177 final). The communication is a follow-up to the White Paper on Services of General Interest (COM (2004) 374) of 12 May 2004 and the survey that followed.
  • 23.10.2006 Document

    Tackling climate change: A social priority - Avenues for action

    Brussels, 18-19 October 2006 Introduction 1. With both the Kyoto Protocol and the European CO2 emissions allowance system due to end in 2012, the European Commission has started to reflect on a future EU strategy for tackling climate change. A green paper is expected at the end of the year. 2. In this resolution, ETUC affirms its support for an ambitious European policy to tackle climate change, outlines the principles that must guide a future European strategy and sets priority areas where action is required.
  • 09.06.2006 Document

    ETUC Resolution 'Mid-term review of the ETUC equality plan 2003–2007'

    Brussels, June 2006




 As expressed in ‘ETUC's vision of Europe’, adopted by the 10th Congress in Prague 2003, the ETUC is committed to Paragraph h on gender equality and should:


 - (point 16) Demand the inclusion of gender equality among the fundamental values of the EU and its inclusion in the shared competences of the EU; 


  • 08.06.2006 Document

    Europe needs a better monetary policy regime

    Brussels, 06-07 June 2006 ETUC resolution on monetary policy, economic recovery, wage and labour market flexibility in the euro area 1. Background. The euro area is finding itself in a challenging economic and social situation: - While business confidence indicators have shown improvement over recent months, the consensus amongst economic forecasters (IMF, Commission, OECD) is that growth will weaken again in 2007 and will remain too modest.
  • 05.04.2006 Document

    To bolster social cohesion, ETUC wants an ambitious and efficient OMC applied to social protection and social inclusion

    Brussels, 14-15 March 2006 1.1 According to ETUC, bolstering social cohesion and devising 'content' for the European Social Model, which consists mainly of high-quality, high-level social protection systems and a resolute battle against social exclusion, are European ambitions that need to be implemented by the Member States in connection with the streamlined open method of coordination. These ambitions will be reaffirmed at the forthcoming Spring Summit.