• 27.10.2017 Document

    ETUC Resolution on Fixing the Social Foundation

    ETUC Resolution on Fixing the Social Foundation – ETUC Statement on the need for a Social Protocol  Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 25-26 October 2017   Introduction
  • 20.07.2017 Document

    ETUC Roadmap for the Future of Europe

    The ETUC Roadmap for the Future of Europe Adopted at the Executive Committee of 13 and 14 June 2017   Background On 1 March 2017, the President of the European Commission launched a reflection on the Future of Europe, involving the EU 27 Member States after Brexit, by publishing a White Paper to be followed by a series of Reflection Papers.
  • 30.06.2017 Document

    Madrid Declaration on 'The Rights of LGBTQI* People in the Workplace'

    The European Trade Union Confederation celebrated the 2017 World Pride at a trade union conference, hosted and co-organised by the Spanish trade unions CC.OO and UGT, on ‘The Rights of LGBTQI* People in the Workplace’, which took place on 29-30 June. The conference was an opportunity for the ETUC and its affiliated organisations, represented via the LGBTQI* rights trade union network, to strengthen their cooperation in the fight for human rights, trade union rights and equality for all workers.
  • 13.06.2017 Document

    ETUC Annual Gender Equality Survey 2017

    As part of the follow-up to the ETUC Congress engagements towards the promotion of women within its membership and decision-making structures, in 2017 the ETUC carried out the tenth edition of its Annual Gender Equality Survey (previously known as the 8th March survey). The aim of this survey is to monitor the proportion of women in the European trade union movement, including in decision-making positions and bodies. The objective is to assess progress in reducing the representation and decision-making gap between women and men in trade unions.
  • 30.05.2017 Document

    European Social Partners' Statement on tapping the potential from greening the economy for jobs creation

    European Social Partners Statement on tapping the potential from greening the economy for jobs creation   We, the European Social Partners ACKNOWLEDGE that we are at a critical juncture for the European Union concerning growth and quality job creation, as the economic recovery continues, with differences across Europe, yet we continue to face significant economic, environmental and social challenges;
  • 08.05.2017 Document

    Joint Statement of ITUC-ETUC and their Turkish Affiliates TURK-IS, HAK-IS, DISK and KESK on the new developments in the situation of trade union members in Turkey

      Jointly adopted by ITUC-ETUC and their four Turkish Affiliates following the 2nd Mission to Turkey on 3-5 May 20017.  The aim was, as the International and European trade union movement, to discuss with the four affiliated organisations [Türk-iş, Hak-iş, Disk and Kesk] the new developments in the situation of trade union members in Turkey, after a first visit in mid-October 2016.
  • 05.05.2017 Document

    French Presidential election

    French presidential elections are crucial not only for France but for the whole of Europe. France has always been at the heart of the European Union, and the risk of a French President who is opposed to the EU and who calls into question France’s membership of the Euro and the European Union, is very worrying. The European Trade Union Confederation supports the European integration and calls for a more just, social, inclusive and democratic Europe.
  • 21.04.2017 Document

    ETUC statement on the outcome of the Turkish referendum

    The Steering Committee of the ETUC, in its meeting on 20 April in Brussels, discussed the results of the Turkish referendum held on 16 April on the reforms to the Constitution adopted by the National Assembly on 21 January.