22.06.2024 Document

Open letter to European Council on the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

European Council
Dear President Michel, I am contacting you regarding the ongoing discussions on the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 and in view of the European Council meeting on 27/28 June. The ETUC is concerned that – according to the information received – the draft of the Strategic Agenda still does not include the necessary focus on the improvement of the situation for working people, their families and communities.
17.05.2024 Document

Urgent need to support just transition ambition in Environment Council Conclusions

Dear Environment and Labour Ministers, In conjunction with the European Trade Union Confederation, we, the undersigned, serving as Presidents and General Secretaries of Trade Unions from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), are compelled to underscore the importance of safeguarding just transition initiatives deliberated within the Environment Council Conclusions.
30.04.2024 Document

Trade Union Summit for Ukraine Declaration

The European trade movement, under the auspices of the European Trade Union Confederation, met with the Ukrainian trade union movement represented by FPU and KPU on 23 April 2024 in Lublin, Poland in the framework of the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine. Read the declaration here 
09.03.2024 Document

Letter to Prime Minister Kallas of Estonia on Platform Work Directive

Dear Prime Minister Kallas, I am reaching out to you on behalf of working people and trade unions across Europe to ask you to support the Directive on Improving Working Conditions in Platform Work Your support, Estonia’s support, is the decisive factor for the adoption of the Directive. I understand that your government will decide closer to the vote in EPSCO on Monday 11th of March on its position.
  • 07.03.2024 Document

    Open letter to Bolt on Platform Work Directive

    Brussels 06/03/2024   Dear Mr Arras, Dear Mr Pozzana,  Over the past two years, we have met on several occasions at events related to the advocacy for the Platform Work Directive. 
  • 29.02.2024 Document

    Forced military conscription in Myanmar: strong EU action demanded - Joint letter to the President of the European Council

    Dear President, Dear members of the Permanent Representations to the EU, On 10 February, the military junta of Myanmar announced that they will begin mandatory military conscription. We, ETUC and all European Industry Federations (EIFs), completely oppose this shocking announcement and on behalf of workers and trade unions in Myanmar and their international trade union representation, we call on the EU Member States to agree on urgent EU action as soon as possible. 
  • 24.02.2024 Document

    Valencia Residential Building Fire: Letter of Condolences and Solidarity

    Esther Lynch wrote to the Spanish trade unions expressing the condolences and solidarity of the ETUC for the residential building fire that took place in Valencia.  Dear colleagues, I am writing on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to express our deepest condolences and unwavering solidarity in the wake of the tragic fire that recently struck a residential building in Valencia, Spain.
  • 30.03.2023 Document

    Support of the European Trade Union Confederation for French trade unions

    ETUC Executive Committee
    The ETUC reiterates its very strong support for the French trade unions united in their mobilisation for social dialogue and against the pension reform in France. The way in which the French pension reform was adopted, without any dialogue with social partners, is not acceptable. The European Social model is based on social dialogue.  The respect for social dialogue and for the role of social partners is a key component of democracy in Europe and must be promoted, not disregarded.
  • 22.02.2021 Document

    ETUC Statement before 1st stage consultation on Platform Work

    ETUC Statement before 1st stage consultation on Platform Work This week, on Wednesday 24 February 2021, the European Commission will launch the first phase of the consultation of the social partners on improving the working conditions of workers on digital platforms.
  • 08.02.2021 Document

    ETUC Code of Conduct for Meetings, Events and Courses

    ETUC Code of Conduct for Meetings, Events and Courses Adopted during the Executive Committee meeting of 9-10 March 2020 Introduction The ETUC has zero tolerance for any violence and any type of harassment including sexual harassment. Violence and harassment in the world of work deprives people of their dignity, is incompatible with decent work. It is a threat to equality and equal opportunities and to safe, healthy, and productive working environments.
  • 29.09.2020 Document

    Launch of the EU-OSHA campaign "Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-22" - ETUC Declaration

    Safety and health at work – and prevention of MSDs - more important than ever in times of Covid-19 The health and safety of workers and the protection of jobs and rights have been the priority of the European trade union movement throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. When the restrictions relaxed to achieve a gradual return to economic activity, the ETUC demanded guarantees that the health and safety of workers is fully protected. 
  • 10.03.2020 Document

    ETUC Declaration on the COVID-19 Outbreak

    ETUC Declaration on the COVID-19 Outbreak In addition to the text below agreed by the ETUC Executive Committee, the ETUC has  cancelled all its meetings until April 19 that involve its staff or members travelling abroad, and instructed its staff not to travel abroad for other meetings, as part of a package of measures to deal with Covid-19.   Adopted at the Executive Committee of the 9-10 March 2020
  • 18.03.2019 Document

    European Parliament elections 2019 - Statement of the European Social Partners

    The European Union has given long-lasting peace across our continent and has brought European people together around the fundamental values of democracy, human rights, freedom and equality. Democracy needs to be lived in order to remain alive. We therefore urge citizens across Europe to go out and vote in the European elections from 23-26 May 2019 in order to have a say on the future and to defend democracy, sustainable economic growth and social justice.