• 08.12.2021 Document

    Joint open letter to President Von der Leyen: It is time for you to show leadership on the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative

    Open letter to President Von der Leyen: It is time for you to show leadership on the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative Dear President Von der Leyen, As a coalition of civil society organisations, including national coalitions and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), who are actively working and engaging on the planned Commission proposal on a Sustainable Corporate Governance (SCG) initiative, we are writing to raise our strong concerns about the new delay to the publication of this initiative.
  • 02.12.2021 Document

    Netlex celebrates its 25th Anniversary!

    Netlex celebrates its 25th Anniversary! On 2 December, the ETUC’s Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schӧmann together with Frédéric Sève, CFDT National Secretary, kicked off the ETUC conference celebrating 25 years of trade union legal activism in Europe. The conference is a unique opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the ETUC trade union legal network and to showcase, with its new legal forum named ETUCLEX, the enhanced investment of the trade union legal and litigation action in defending workers’ interests and promoting social justice.
  • 29.11.2021 Document

    Open letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen for an ambitious European legislative initiative on improving the working conditions in platform work

    *Signatories : Pierre-Yves Dermagne (Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy and Labour, Belgium), Yolanda Díaz (Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Spain), Ana Mendes Godinho (Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Portugal), Hubertus Heil (Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany), Andrea Orlando (Labour and Social Policies Minister, Italy), Luca Visentini (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Italy), Ludovic
  • 28.10.2021 Document

    ETUC reflections on the SOCIAL ECONOMY ACTION PLAN

    ETUC reflections on the SOCIAL ECONOMY ACTION PLAN The ETUC delegation taking part in the SP dedicated hearing prior to the issuing of a Social Economy Action Plan, has identified some aspects worth underlining in the context of EU policy-making. Trade unions and social economy, a promising alliance for upward social convergence
  • 14.06.2021 Document

    ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan (adopted)

    ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 3-4 June 2021                                           Background Trade unionism and democracy are inextricably linked. Trade unions have a long and proud history of fighting for voting rights, for democracy and against dictatorship.
  • 28.05.2021 Document

    Commission's proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence fails to address the workplace dimension

    On 21 April 2021, the European Commission presented its long-awaited proposal on the regulation of artificial intelligence. The regulation is the follow-up to the 2020 White Paper process, in which the ETUC also participated. The proposed regulation builds on the internal market rules regulating the development and placement of products and services using AI in the EU single market. The regulation does not address liability. In this context, the Commission refers to the revision of the Product Liability Directive which is foreseen in the second half of the year.
  • 03.05.2021 Document

    ETUC Women Workers Manifesto - Equality in the recovery

    Women are at greater exposure to the consequences of the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic. This Recovery needs to put the achievement of equality at the centre.  We are calling for   1. More support for trade unions so that they can spearhead the fight for gender equality. When women join together in their trade union they can bargain for a better deal, increased pay, more security, training, health and safety, a say over working hours, fairer promotions, more paid leave and a decent pension.
  • 21.04.2021 Document

    Briefing note: ETUC Response to the European Commission Proposal for a Directive to Strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms

    Introduction Although there has been European law on equal pay for women and men for 45 years, the gender pay gap in the European Union is still unacceptably large at over 14%. At the current very slow rate of progress, pay equality will not be achieved across the European Union until the next century (2104) and will never be reached in some Member States.
  • 30.03.2021 Document


    ETUC’s DECENT WORK & SUSTAINABLE GROWTH INDEX Decent work and sustainable growth are one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals which the EU signed-up to in 2015. The report prepared for the ETUC by a team of researchers of the highly respected Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development ASviS, led by Prof. Enrico Giovannini, measures progress towards the goal on three measures: economic wellbeing, employment quality and labour vulnerability (merged also into one overall index).