A Youth Recovery - Time for Quality Jobs

High-level ETUC online conference A Youth Recovery: Time for Quality Jobs! (How) Will Europe prevent a Lost Generation? 15/02/2021

15 February 2021 13:45-16:45

Event details

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to hereby invite you to our public high-level online conference A Youth Recovery: Time for Quality Jobs!  (How) Will Europe prevent a Lost Generation? on 15 February 2021 from 13.45 to 16.45 CET

The COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic repercussions have hit young people in Europe particularly hard; youth unemployment figures are skyrocketing. Being very often employed in precarious, non-standard and self-employed work, young people had hardly access to income compensation and employment protection measures. Young people are paying the most for the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, yet they have often been overlooked by national political agendas.

We therefore need to strengthen our efforts to include youth in all relevant European policies and ensure this is included also in national policy agendas. At the Conference we will address above mentioned issues to increase awareness about the needs of young people at the labour market and to bring together different actors working on the topic, presenting what has been done so far and opening the floor for an exchange on what can still be done and the steps ahead of us.

Please find a draft agenda attached. Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

Please confirm your participation via this link to receive all information and dial-in details. 

We sincerely hope that you will find time in your busy agendas to join us for this important event. Please do not hesitate to disseminate this invitation among interested colleagues! 

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact Alessandra Cialdani ([email protected]) or Lisa Terren ([email protected]).

In solidarity,

Ludovic Voet                                     

ETUC Confederal Secretary