Disappointing results of the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting

The ETUC is gravely concerned with the extraordinary growth in the number of wars and violent conflicts and with the current state of peace and security in Europe and the world. The EU must prioritise the use of the wide range of diplomatic, trade and conflict resolution tools at its disposal. We call for a redoubling of efforts for peace.

The ETUC welcomes the support provided to Ukraine. We reiterate that the reconstruction process must include social conditionalities: social dialogue and collective bargaining must be ensured, as well as the full respect of workers and trade union rights and fair and safe working conditions.

The ETUC is supporting trade unions in Ukraine who must be fully involved at all levels. The enlargement process must ensure the full respect for the social acquis for admission to the EU, including the respect for and reinforcement of social dialogue and the full respect of trade union rights. 

Palestine: EU must urgently put its weight behind a ceasefire and peace

The discussion on the situation in Palestine by ministers at yesterday’s Foreign Affairs Council does not measure up to the urgency and the gravity of the situation. 

We reiterate the need for urgent action by the EU institutions to use all levers to ensure an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages, and to reinforce the efforts towards de-escalation and dialogue for peace on the basis of a two-state solution. It is urgent to take immediate action to avoid further death and destruction in Rafah. 

Civilians require immediate and reinforced support. The EU must not only allocate additional resources to the humanitarian effort but also ensure these resources can safely reach the civilians in need in Gaza. Innocent Palestinians must not be made pay the price for the crimes of Hamas. 

The ETUC emphasizes that the EU must pressure all actors involved to fully respect international law obligations. 

The EU must step up its efforts for an immediate ceasefire and for peace.

[See previous ETUC statements: Israel-Palestine: EU must play active role in de-escalationGrave and worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza calls for more urgent EU responseNew impulse for peace needed]

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