ETUC Executive Committee meeting to assess progress on the Services Directive and agree its message to the EU Spring Summit

Brussels, 14/03/2006

The Committee, on which all ETUC-affiliated organisations are represented, will assess the outcome of the European Parliament vote on the Services Directive, and the likely content of the European Commission's forthcoming revised proposal, due to be published in April.

The meeting will also draw up a resolution to go to the EU Spring Summit, in response to the Commission's Annual Progress Report on growth and jobs.

The Executive will be asked to approve the European Social Partners' second Work Programme, for 2006-2008, setting out areas where the ETUC will work with employers' representatives at EU level on labour market and macroeconomic policies, including youth integration, mobility and migration. It also foresees agreement on action to counter harassment and violence.

Also on the agenda are European energy policy, implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive, and corporate governance.

The meeting will launch preparations for the ETUC's 11th Congress, to take place in Seville, Spain, in May 2007.