ETUC response to European Climate Law: Support conditional on well-funded just transition

Responding to the European Commission’s publication of the European Climate Law, ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet said:

“The Commission is right to enshrine climate neutrality into legislation but it’s regrettable that they have not yet proposed an interim target for 2030. This is needed to plan for the transition and have a credible EU climate diplomacy position ahead of COP26 in Glasgow.

“However, any target is meaningless without the policies and funding needed to reach it. That’s why the European Council must take its responsibility to increase the EU budget to ensure the European Green Deal, a source of hope and renewal for the European project, does not turn into a cruel illusion for workers and citizens.

“Trade union support for a binding climate law is conditional on a well-funded just transition that delivers quality jobs, retraining and proper social protection for all affected workers, as well as measures to ensure energy poverty isn’t made worse. The inclusion of the just transition concept in the European Climate Law is welcome but needs to be defined, as the pathway to climate neutrality will be impossible if climate measures are not just and socially fair.

"The involvement of workers and their unions at all possible level of governance will also be a crucial driver to redistribute the gains and costs of the transitions, making sure that workers and most vulnerable sectors of society do not bear the burden alone.”


- The ETUC supports the upward revision of the 2030 Greenhouse gas emission reduction target from - 40 to -55 % (compared to 1990 levels) as well as the longer-term objective of reaching net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.

- To have sufficient funding to fight climate change, ETUC urges the EU Council to increase the EU budget to 1.3% of GNI and to pursue reflexions for a fairer taxation.


A detailed statement on the European Climate Law can be found here: