ETUC welcomes Enrico Somaglia as new General Secretary of EFFAT

The ETUC congratulates Enrico Somaglia on his election as the new General Secretary of the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT).

Speaking at EFFAT’s congress in Valencia today, ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch praised outgoing General Secretary Kristjan Bragason for leading a “fighting and winning” union.

“In the Common Agricultural Policy you won a change to guarantee that public money is to be used in favour of workers’ rights,” she said. “This example has been taken up now and is core ETUC policy for all public money. There can be no blank checks, public money must only go to companies that recognise unions, have a collective agreement.”

Lynch vowed to “fight side by side” with new General Secretary Enrico Somaglia, including to win new EU legislation against abusive subcontracting and unregulated labour intermediation. 

“We will campaign together for an EU law to limit subcontracting, regulate labour intermediation and reinforce labour inspections,” Lynch added. “Abusive subcontracting and unregulated intermediation are part of exploitative business model. As a result, working people suffer unequal treatment and social dumping.

“The EU can tackle this exploitative model through a binding initiative. The action organised by EFFAT and the voice of working people at the European Parliament was a powerful call for change, for equal treatment, dignity and respect. Their call must not go unanswered.”