Framework agreement on inclusive labour markets

Brussels, 25/03/2010

{Achieving } an inclusive labour market is a multi-faceted challenge and a key concern for European social partners. Employers’ and workers’ representatives at all levels, as well as social dialogue, have an important role to play to address this challenge.
In the context of their European Social Dialogue work programmes for
2006-2008 and for 2009-2010, and on the basis of their Joint Labour
Market Analysis, European social partners agreed to negotiate an autonomous framework agreement on “inclusive labour markets”.

To download the Framework agreement on inclusive labour markets, please click on the icon below

Please note that only the English version of the European framework agreement is the official one. Translations of this agreement available on this website are thus non-official translations.

- Translations of the agreement jointly made by the social partner organisations: FR CZ DE FI LV HU NO SE

- Publication: Framework agreement on inclusive labour markets - An ETUC interpretation guide

- Yearly Joint implementation report