* : ETUC proposed amendments for the EU Talent Pool Proposal

Brussels, 27 January 2025

  • European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 
  • For information to the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

Please find attached the ETUC updated amendments to the EU Talent Pool proposal. This document builds upon the initial position the ETUC had provided (which remains valid and expresses the ETUC's concerns about the overall proposal for an IT Talent Pool platform)  and reflects our response to the recent developments and discussions taking place within the EP committees concerned.

We hope you will take our position into consideration, and we remain at your disposal for further clarifications. If you have any questions please contact my colleagues Marco Cilento ([email protected]) and Livia Milana ([email protected]).

Thank you for your work on this dossier. 

Best regards,


Giulio Romani
Confederal Secretary