* : ETUC support for revision of the ELA mandate – EP vote on 18 January

Brussels, 15 January 2024

  • To the Members of the European Parliament

Honourable Members of the European Parliament,

The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wishes to express its support for the European Parliament Resolution on the Revision of the European Labour Authority Mandate (2023/2866(RSP)), ahead of the plenary vote taking place on Thursday 18 January 2024.

This Resolution is very much aligned with the 6 December 2023 ETUC Position on the Review of the Mandate of the European Labour Authority, calling for ELA to be given enhanced competences with an enlarged scope. You can find the dedicated ETUC recommendations in English and French on our website.

During the past few years, ELA has been able to demonstrate its added value in the EU internal market. But the experiences gained also demonstrate the need to still equip the Authority with the necessary powers and resources to fully deliver on its tasks and objectives in terms of fair labour mobility and effective enforcement across Europe.

We wish to thank the Rapporteurs MEP Dennis Radtke and MEP Agnes Jongerius as well as the Shadow Rapporteurs for their leadership on this Resolution.

The ETUC trusts that the European Parliament will continue to play an active role throughout the ELA review process, delivering a strengthened mandate for the Authority to effectively establish itself as a recognised and trusted enforcer in the European labour market.

We thank you for your consideration, and count on your support in this week’s plenary vote.

Yours sincerely,

Isabelle Schömann

Deputy General Secretary