* : Need for Just Transition legislative framework in council conclusions

Brussels, 27 May 2024

  • To: Environment Ministers 
  • To: Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs

Dear Environment and Labour Ministers,

In a few weeks time you are going to adopt council conclusions including on Just Transition. On behalf of the 45 million workers that are represented by the ETUC, we have called on you to promote a comprehensive Just Transition Framework based on a Just Transition Directive as recommended by the EESC Opinion on “Advancing the EU's just transition policy framework: what measures are necessary” and the European Parliaments’ report “Job creation – the just transition and impact investments”.

In this context, we would like to share with you the joint press release published by ETUC’s affiliates EPSU and industriAll Europe on the failure of negotiations on a European Framework Agreement for a Just Transition of workers in the European Gas sector. IndustriAll Europe and EPSU strongly regret that the good faith in which they had negotiated for nine months was not fully reciprocated by the EU gas sector employers. This is a severe setback to achieving a fair and Just Transition to prevent climate change.

The failure of the negotiations provides evidence that we cannot rely on the good will of companies to negotiate and implement Just Transition Plans.  Europe needs a coherent legislative approach that delivers a Just Transition to workers and future younger generations.

Therefore, the ETUC, EPSU and industriAll Europe call you to support council conclusions that promote a legislative framework for a Just Transition at the EU level. We strongly believe, that only through a Just Transition legislative framework, can Europe achieve its climate targets, prosperity and Justice for all Europeans.


Yours sincerely,

Jan Willem Goudriaan, General Secretary, European Public Service Union (EPSU)

Judith Kirton-Darling. General Secretary, industriAll Europe (IAE)

Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)