Call to Action : Online press-conference - Time for Quality Jobs
Young people across the globe deserve stability and sustainable future!
The most educated generation of Europeans can not be sent back to training because of the lack of decent job opportunities!
It is time for Quality Jobs!
Dear ETUC Members,
Dear Friends,
with this email, we would like to invite you to join us for a public and interactive event to assess the European Commission’s Communication on the Reinforced Youth Guarantee that will take place online on 2 July at 10:00 CET.
Thanks to your contributions and experience with the implementation of the Youth Guarantee we were able to assess the tool and formulate demands for the reinforced program that gained further importance in light of the looming crisis that will impact disproportionally young people around Europe.
It is time for EU institutions to deliver on their promises and guarantee quality jobs for young workers.
We will be joined by the guest from the European Youth Forum and we will give space to participants to ask questions or share their opinion on the proposal.
We encourage you to spread this invitation and share the Facebook event among your networks.
To join the public event follow this link:
Zoom Meeting: https://etuc.zoom.us/j/83144365152?pwd=TTZ5Nkg1cys5LzJsZzNIcWs3ZjA5QT09 Meeting ID: 831 4436 5152 Password: 908638 |
For further information do not hesitate to contact Lucie Susova ([email protected]) who is in charge of the dossier.
We are looking forward to seeing you on 2nd July,
Kind regards,
Tea Jarc
ETUC Youth President
Ludovic Voet
ETUC Confederal Secretary