ETUC Action programme on gender equality 2016-2019

Brussels, 17 June 2016

  • To the members of the ETUC
  • Copy to the members of the Women's Committee


Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the ETUC action programme on gender equality covering the period 2016 – 2019.

We count on your follow-up in order to:

  • promote a sense of ownership, shared responsibilities and actions at all different levels of this document;
  • give adequate visibility to this Action Programme. It is therefore recommended that affiliates translate it into their national languages, send a copy of the translation to the ETUC ([email protected])  to achieve EU-wide visibility and disseminate and discuss it with trade union representatives
  • mobilize sufficient resources to carry out the key actions of the Action Programme on gender equality.

We take the opportunity to thank you for the good support and constructive discussion we had on this document at the last Executive meeting.

Kind regards,

Montserrat Mir

Confederal Secretary