In its meeting in March 2015, the ETUC Executive Committee affiliated the two representative confederations from Montenegro, CTUM and UFTUM.
CTUM was affiliated because the new leadership, elected at their congress in November 2013, engaged in a serious and complex reform process. This process clearly disturbs those forces who want to keep CTUM under full control. The same are responsible for enormous financial abuses that ruin the trade union’s reputation.
The ETUC Executive recognizes the CTUM leadership elected at the last ordinary congress in November 2013 as the only legal one.
ETUC will continue to support the reform forces in the Montenegrin trade union movement, especially in the challenges of transition and EU integration. Workers of Montenegro, and the whole society, are in need of a democratic, transparent, operational and sound trade union movement.
We call upon all to join forces and renew the Montenegrin trade union movement. ETUC calls on the Montenegrin government to revise its decision to register an illegal leadership and to abstain from politically motivated interventions in trade union affairs.