ETUC letter of support to Springer Nature strike

Esther Lynch sent a letter to the National Union of Journalists General Secretary to express support for the ongoing strike of Springer Nature workers. 

I am writing to express the ETUC’s solidarity with the striking journalists at Springer Nature and their union, the National Union of Journalists. 

The unity and determination these workers are showing is truly inspiring. It is great too to see so many join the London picket in solidarity and voice their support across the world. The visibility the NUJ is helping to garner will be crucial to build public pressure on the management and, ultimately, to solve this dispute.

It is a glaring outrage that the workers of a company recording a 27% increase in profit in 2023 are struggling to cover the increase in their housing bills. A 93% vote in favour of strike action by the workers goes to show the overwhelming and justified feeling of injustice amongst those concerned. 

We join the trade union's call on the management at Springer Nature to rectify this situation by putting forward proposals that measure up to the contribution of those who are so crucial to the company’s success.

This struggle is emblematic of the cost-of-living crisis that has swept across Europe over the past few years, driven in large part by corporate profits. Today, just like the workers at Springer Nature, we are increasingly receiving reports of workers taking collective action. Trade union wins are multiplying and we are beginning to see people’s wages catch up to corporate profits.

It is with great attention, then, that we will continue to follow this important struggle.

In solidarity,
Esther Lynch
ETUC General Secretary