ETUC Statement adopted at Executive Committee in their meeting 9th December 2020 in support of the FGTB/ABVV trade union leaders and activists condemned for exercising their rights to collective action
ETUC is gravely concerned by the recent condemnations of FGTB/ABVV leaders and activists by the criminal courts in Belgium for exercising their fundamental right to take collective action in defense of the rights and interests of the workers they represent.
The ETUC extends its full support and solidarity to our colleagues of FGTB/ABVV and the actions they will take in this regard tomorrow 10 December, also the International Day of Human Rights!
The right to take collective action, in particular the right to strike, is a fundamental right recognized by international (UN, ILO) and European (Council of Europe, EU) human rights instruments to which all EU member states have signed up and committed themselves to.
Under these instruments, full respect of trade union rights requires governments, employers but also other instances like courts to refrain from any act that constitutes an interference in their activities and functioning!
Such anti-union busting acts are however back on the increase throughout the whole of Europe and this needs to stop immediately!
ETUC therefore continues to stand on the side of FGTB/ABVV and all its other affiliates which witness similar attacks on their trade union rights by jointly fighting against such practices on international, European and national level.
The ETUC calls on Belgium to restore respect for fundamental human-trade union rights.