• 19.03.2020 Document

    Renewed Eastern Partnership - ETUC Statement

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Pan European Regional Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (PERC) welcome the European Commission’s proposals for a renewed Eastern Partnership with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Both trade union organisations welcome the commitment of the European Commission to continue and deepen the Eastern Partnership with the six EU neighborhood countries.  
  • 10.03.2020 Document

    ETUC Declaration on the COVID-19 Outbreak

    ETUC Declaration on the COVID-19 Outbreak In addition to the text below agreed by the ETUC Executive Committee, the ETUC has  cancelled all its meetings until April 19 that involve its staff or members travelling abroad, and instructed its staff not to travel abroad for other meetings, as part of a package of measures to deal with Covid-19.   Adopted at the Executive Committee of the 9-10 March 2020
  • 09.03.2020 Document

    ETUC statement ahead of Commission proposal for an EU Industrial Strategy

    The European Trade Union Movement will welcome the forthcoming EU industrial strategy if the proposals are fair for workers, supportive of the most vulnerable regions and sectors and with sufficient funding to be implemented properly. Workers and trade unions are part of the solution and expect an inclusive governance process to shape and implement the strategy.   
  • 05.03.2020 Document

    Documents adopted at the EXCO 22-23 October 2019

    Brussels, 4th November 2019 To Executive Committee To TUSLOs For information to ETUC Member Organisations Dear Colleagues, Following the last Executive Committee meeting on 22-23 October, we would like to share with you the following adopted documents (Item 10 & 11):
  • 18.02.2020 Document

    The ETUC calls for an EU digital strategy for Europe that delivers for workers!

    On 19 February 2020 the European Commission will announce its strategy for a Europe fit for the digital age.   The ETUC got reassurance from Commissioner Breton on 10 February that trade unions and workers’ representatives will be part of the solutions shaping a sustainable and socially acceptable digital transition within the EU industrial policy strategy, in particular via an inclusive governance structure.
  • 17.02.2020 Document

    An EU directive on due diligence and responsible business conduct

    A European directive on Human Rights due diligence and responsible business conduct including their supply chains will make the difference in better protecting workers rights and environmental standards. The Commission needs to act! In the next days, the European Commission will publish a report of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) on due diligence requirements for supply chains. The report analyses the state of play and the need for initiatives at European level, paving the way to a possible commission initiative.
  • 17.02.2020 Document

    AI - Humans must be in command

    Forthcoming European Commission Communication on Artificial Intelligence:  ETUC CALLS FOR AN AMBITIOUS STRATEGY RESPECTFUL OF WORKERS Ahead of the upcoming European Commission’s 2020 white paper on artificial intelligence, the European Trade Union Confederation reiterates the need for an ambitious European AI strategy to maintain and reinforce workers’ protection and involvement, and empower them to create sustainable use of AI tools.
  • 12.02.2020 Document

    Dismissal protection: CGIL victory with ETUC

    On Tuesday 11 February, the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), the main monitoring body of the Council of Europe European Social Charter, decided - on a complaint submitted by Italian union CGIL against the Italian government (No. 158/2017) - that the right to protection in cases of termination of employment was violated by Italian law.