• 11.03.2015 Document

    ETUC declaration: Some low fares airlines undermine collective bargaining

    Adopted by the ETUC Executive Committee at its meeting on 10-11 March 2015   When the ETUC Executive Committee convened for their meeting on March 10, pilots in the budget carrier Norwegian had been on strike for 11 days. The main demand of the Norwegian Pilot Union (NPU) was to have a collective agreement with their real employer, Norwegian Air Shuttle. In Denmark, Ryanair is establishing a base in Copenhagen, and are refusing the Danish unions’ request for a collective agreement.
  • 17.12.2014 Document

    Review of European Economic Governance (ETUC position)

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 2-3 December 2014     The European Commission will review the framework of European economic governance in a communication to be published next month. With this note, the ETUC intends to contribute to this review. The note first provides a short and general evaluation of European economic governance, and then recommends a number of substantive changes and different policy approaches which the ETUC believes are required to deliver an effective European economic governance framework. 
  • 03.12.2014 Document

    ETUC declaration on the EU-level investment plan

    Adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee on 2-3 December 2014     Investment for sustainable growth and decent jobs is a long-standing ETUC demand.  The ETUC therefore welcomes the EU focus on investment and concrete initiatives contributing to this end and, in particular, the recent initiative towards an EU-level investment plan.
  • 04.11.2014 Document

    Role of the ETUC 2015/2019 – follow up: Communication and Campaigns

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 28-29 October 2015 Communicating effectively – Taking ETUC, European and national affiliate cooperation to a new level    Communications plays a central role in achieving ETUC objectives. The ETUC must communicate with EU institutions and ‘actors’ that influence EU policy, including the media and should be able to better spread its messages and actions among the affiliates.
  • 03.11.2014 Document

    Towards a new framework for more democracy at work: ETUC resolution

    Resolution adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 21-22 October 2014   Key messages: ·   The ETUC calls for a Directive introducing a new and integrated architecture for workers’ involvement in European company forms. Building on the existing EU acquis, the Directive should set high standards on information and consultation, and introduce ambitious minimum standards on workers’ board level representation as an additional source of workers’ influence. 
  • 22.10.2014 Document

    ETUC declaration to the new European Commission

    Adopted by the Executive Committee at its meeting on 21-22 October 2014 Economic policies followed until now to tackle the economic and social crisis have failed. They brought about low growth and deflation, increased precarious work and unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, rising poverty and inequalities. Divergences within and between countries increased.  Competition has been extended to all fields, including taxation, workers’ rights, workers’ wages, workers’ protection, working conditions, and social protection.