• 28.01.2020 Document

    Statement to the EU-Ukraine Association Council

    Statement to the EU-Ukraine Association Council, 28 January 2020 On the occasion of the EU-Ukraine Association Council that meets to assess the progress Ukraine has achieved in implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the European and Ukrainian trade unions condemn the recent violations of this Agreement by the government of Ukraine, which introduced a number of amendments to the labour laws without any consultations with social partners as required by national and international legislation. 
  • 18.12.2019 Document

    ETUC Executive Committee statement on the lack of Social Dialogue on Labour Law reform in Ukraine

    ETUC Executive Committee statement on the lack of Social Dialogue on Labour Law reform in Ukraine Adopted at the Executive Meeting of 17-18 December 2019 The ETUC Executive Committee expresses its concerns about the perceived lack of willingness of the Ukrainian government to undertake a proper consultation process with the social partners on the Labour Law reform and pledges to raise this with the European Commission and Parliament.
  • 23.10.2019 Document

    Statement on Albania and North Macedonia accession to the EU

    Statement on Albania and North Macedonia accession to the EU We regret the decision of the European Council not to open accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia and express our solidarity with workers and their trade unions from these counties. They face enormous challenges of decent work deficits, non-respect of the law, low wages, high levels of informal work, as well as systematic violation of fundamental workers’ rights and freedoms.
  • 23.10.2019 Document

    ETUC Solidarity with Chile

    ETUC supports CUT Chile
    The ETUC stands in solidarity with the Chilean trade unions and the Chilean people in the biggest crisis of the country since the end of the military dictatorship. We join the call of CUT Chile and the ITUC for the Government to restore the country's democratic institutions and give way to the biggest protest since 1990.
  • 18.10.2019 Document

    Statement on the Revision of the Regulations on the coordination of social security systems

    The ETUC has been calling for improvements of the rules on the coordination of social security systems for years. We need improvements to the current rules to better fight against abuses and fraud and to strengthen mobile workers’, posted workers’ and frontier workers’ rights, as well as to improve and operationalise the cooperation between Member States. Now it is possible to deliver much needed improvements to the legal framework by completing in a positive manner the negotiations on the revision of the Regulations on the coordination of social security systems.
  • 16.10.2019 Document

    Luca Visentini speech to EU Social Summit

    TSS Group
    Dear Presidents, Prime Minister, Vice President, Commissioner, Ministers, Colleagues from the social partners, This is the last Tripartite Social Summit of the current European Commission, and also the last for Donald Tusk as President of the Council. I would like to warmly thank Donald for the support and leadership you have shown in organising and driving the TSS over the last years. You have done this giving great consideration to the social partners’ ideas and proposals.
  • 12.09.2019 Document

    EU - safeguard and strengthen Democracy at Work!

    Statement presented at the ETUC EWC Annual conference 2019 Democracy at work is a fundamental value and a guiding principle of the European Union, recognised in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. It needs to be high on any ambitious European and national political agenda. Democracy at work matters: for workers, for companies, for public services and for society.
  • 02.07.2019 Document

    Climate Action Call

    Climate Action Call
    Joint Climat Action Call cosigned by the ETUC Scientists say that we face a climate emergency. We need decisive action in the next 10 years to put us on a transformative pathway in line with the targets of the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. We must act immediately to get on track for a healthy, fair and liveable future. This will not only reduce devastating impacts of climate change but also bring major economic and social benefits, attract new investments, create new quality jobs and limit health damages.
  • 27.06.2019 Document

    Set Maximum Work Temperatures Now

    All workers deserve to work in safe temperatures. In the week that many areas of Europe endure another heatwave, we call on the next European Commission to take this issue seriously and introduce a legislative instrument that recognises this increased risk to workers and provides a framework for protecting workers. Weather conditions do not respect national borders and so European action is required. Yet, unlike in other parts of the world, Europe has no binding legislation on safe maximum working temperatures.