• 20.07.2021 Document

    ETUC condolences and solidarity with flood victims

    The ETUC offers sincere condolences to all the people, families and communities hit by the flooding in Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. Today, on the Belgian national day of mourning for the victims of the floods, the ETUC expresses its horror at the scale of devastation, solidarity with all the victims and their loved ones, and thanks emergency service workers and all workers and volunteers involved in helping to deal with the impacts of the floods. 
  • 25.06.2021 Document

    Statement by the ETUC Women’s Committee on the ratification of ILO C190

    Statement by the ETUC Women’s Committee on the ratification of ILO C190 Adopted by the ETUC Women’s Committee on 24 June 2021 Every worker, no matter who they are or what work they do, deserves the protection of ILO Convention 190 concerning violence and harassment in the world of work.
  • 14.06.2021 Document

    ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan (adopted)

    ETUC resolution on the European Trade Union Democracy Action Plan Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 3-4 June 2021                                           Background Trade unionism and democracy are inextricably linked. Trade unions have a long and proud history of fighting for voting rights, for democracy and against dictatorship.
  • 14.06.2021 Document

    “EU governments, respect the promises made to workers!”

    European Trade Union Confederation and Social Platform statement on the Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU During the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) meeting on 14 June, EU Ministers will discuss the European Commission’s Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages in the EU. We hereby urge EU Ministers to demonstrate their full political support for the proposed Directive.
  • 11.06.2021 Document

    ETUC resolution on a Child Guarantee (adopted)

    ETUC resolution on a Child Guarantee Adopted at the virtual Executive Committee Meeting of 3-4 June 2021 Summary The aim of this document is to provide the ETUC inputs on the key elements of the European Commission’s proposal for a Child Guarantee. Such views have been discussed and developed within the trade union delegation participating at a dedicated hearing with European Social Partners in Autumn 2020, and further discussed with the ETUC permanent Committee on Social Protection.
  • 01.06.2021 Document

    EU must not give multinationals choice where to pay tax option

    ETUC calls for tax justice
    The ETUC salutes the enormous efforts that have been made by citizens and organisations to ensure that multi-national companies are required by the European Union to report country by country on their economic activities. This is vital to ensure that multinationals pay their fair share of tax in the countries where their profits are generated, and do not engage in clever accounting to end up declaring only where taxes are very low.   Today the European Union is in final secret negotiations to agree a deal on public country by country reports (pCBCR).
  • 28.05.2021 Document

    Commission's proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence fails to address the workplace dimension

    On 21 April 2021, the European Commission presented its long-awaited proposal on the regulation of artificial intelligence. The regulation is the follow-up to the 2020 White Paper process, in which the ETUC also participated. The proposed regulation builds on the internal market rules regulating the development and placement of products and services using AI in the EU single market. The regulation does not address liability. In this context, the Commission refers to the revision of the Product Liability Directive which is foreseen in the second half of the year.