• 23.09.2016 Document

    EU Summit in Bratislava: ETUC statement

    The outcome of the Bratislava Summit falls well short of the expectations of the ETUC, and of the joint statement made by trade unions and civil society organisations ‘A new Europe for people, planet and prosperity for all’ https://www.etuc.org/press/new-europe-people-planet-and-prosperity-all#.V9_HZ_B97cs.   The Bratislava Declaration and Roadmap are as notable for what they do not say, as for the few vague things they do say.
  • 26.07.2016 Document

    Turkey: ITUC and ETUC Deeply Concerned at Government Purge

    The ITUC and ETUC have strongly condemned the failed coup in Turkey and offered our deepest condolences to the victims. Unconstitutional attempts – especially involving military force – to seize power and overthrow democracy are unacceptable. We call for the investigation and eventual prosecution of those responsible to be conducted in full respect of the rule of law.
  • 19.07.2016 Document

    ETUC – BusinessEurope joint declaration on China's Market Economy Status

    The European Union and China have a multidimensional economic relationship—we trade over 1 billion euro per day, we are negotiating an investment agreement, and we look forward to China’s accession to the Government Procurement Agreement of the WTO-World Trade Organisation. It is in the interest of European business and trade unions that the EU strives for a balanced economic relationship with China. However, the question of how to treat China in anti-dumping investigations will feature prominently in our relationship this year.
  • 16.06.2016 Document

    ETUC Statement on UK Referendum

    Adopted at the Extraordinary Executive Committee, on 13 April 2016 in The Hague   Towards the UK referendum The European Union is facing grave challenges at the moment, and the ETUC would prefer to see the UK involved – together with other Member States – in resolving them, rather than turning towards national isolation.  
  • 16.06.2016 Document

    ETUC resolution on digitalisation: "towards fair digital work"

    ETUC resolution on digitalisation: "towards fair digital work" Adopted by the Executive Committee on 8-9 June 2016 Key points The ETUC demands: a)to shape an inclusive transition towards good and fair digital work based on good working conditions, a safe and secure work environment and a fair employment relationship; b)to avoid digitalisation further splitting society into a few winners and many losers and contributing to an even more unequal distribution of wealth;
  • 01.06.2016 Document

    ETUC Final Strategy on Migration and Inclusion

    ETUC mid-term strategy on migration, asylum and inclusion Adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee on 8-9 June 2016 Summary The EU is the destination for 2 million long-term migrants a year. But inflows are more heterogeneous than in the past and migration and asylum policies should be more integrated to adapt to a new reality.