• 30.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion - Refugee crisis in Europe

    Emergency motion - Refugee crisis in Europe Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 30 September 2015   In recent months Europe has been experiencing a massive increase in numbers of people crossing our borders to seek protection from war and destruction in their own countries.   
  • 04.09.2015 Document

    The role of the ETUC for the next mandate 2015-2019

    Document on the role of the ETUC for the next mandate 2015-2019 Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 2 October 2015   Foreword This paper is meant to set priorities and proposals for action, in order to renew and strengthen the role of the ETUC. It will be discussed in the last panel of the Congress on ‘the ETUC of the future’. At the end of the panel, the document will be submitted to the Congress for endorsement.
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion on fundamental rights in Spain

    Emergency motion on fundamental rights in Spain  Five years ago, on September 29, both major Spanish unions, CC.OO and UGT organised a general strike against the neoliberal reforms that the Spanish government was launching in Spain. On Tuesday, as the ETUC Congress opened, Spanish workers continued to suffer the impact of the economic crisis, the labour reforms and a trade union witch-hunt, with 300 trade unionists penalised for exercising their right to strike.
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency Motion on TiSA

    Paris, 2 October 2015 Emergency Motion – Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 2 October 2015
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion on health and safety at work

    Emergency motion on health and safety at work  Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 2 October 2015 To work in a healthy and safe environment is a fundamental human right. Work should not put the lives or health of workers at risk. The ETUC Congress condemns the attempts to put into question the existing framework of health and safety protection and to classify much needed health and safety standards as needless red tape or "the most burdensome if EU legislative acts".
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion - UK referendum renegotiation strategy

    Emergency motion - UK referendum renegotiation strategy Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 2 October 2015 Congress notes that there will be a referendum on Britain’s continued membership of the European Union at some time in the next two years. The British government is currently seeking to renegotiate the relationship between the EU and the UK, and the British Prime Minister will be raising the issue at the European Council in October.
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion on Northern Ireland

    Emergency motion on Northern Ireland Adopted at the ETUC 13th Congress on 2 October 2015 The Irish Congress of Trade Unions as a matter of urgency requests this Congress to intervene in demanding the political parties in Northern Ireland with the assistance of the British Irish and U.S Governments to resolve the political impasse in Northern Ireland.
  • 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion - Solidarity with Greek workers

    Taking into account that Greece and its working people for five years face a deepening economic, social and political crisis resulting from consecutive rounds of austerity and labour market deregulation which entrapped the country in a vicious circle of recession and unprecedented unemployment against deepening poverty and inequality.
  • 01.09.2015 Document

    Improving gender balance in ETUC

    Congress Resolution presented by Executive Committee on Improving gender balance in ETUC Having regard to the statutory amendments submitted by the TUC, aiming at improving women’s representation in ETUC statutory bodies and largely inspired by the principles of the Road Map adopted at the Executive Committee in June 2014;
  • 18.06.2015 Document

    ETUC declaration on 'Better Regulation'

    ETUC declaration on 'Better Regulation' Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 17-18 June 2015 The ‘Better Regulation’ package[1] published the 19/05/2015 by the European Commission is supposed to ensure better, simpler, less burdensome EU regulation.
  • 17.06.2015 Document

    ETUC Declaration on Montenegro

    In its meeting in March 2015, the ETUC Executive Committee affiliated the two representative confederations from Montenegro, CTUM and UFTUM.  CTUM was affiliated because the new leadership, elected at their congress in November 2013, engaged in a serious and complex reform process. This process clearly disturbs those forces who want to keep CTUM under full control. The same are responsible for enormous financial abuses that ruin the trade union’s reputation.