• 23.10.2013 Document

    ETUC Statement to the European Council: A European recovery plan is urgent

    Brussels, 23/10/2013 The current multi-faceted crisis exploded five years ago essentially in the financial sector; it triggered an economic and then a sovereign debt crisis. To combat this crisis EU leaders have adopted and implemented policies through brutal austerity measures and internal devaluation. This exacerbated the crisis, destroyed functioning economic structures, reduced consumption, increased inequalities and poverty, attacked wage levels, dramatically raised unemployment, jeopardised social cohesion and the support to the EU project.
  • 23.10.2013 Document

    The ETUC Coordination of Collective Bargaining and Wages in the EU Economic Governance

    Brussels, 23/10/2013          •    The EU economic governance introduced unwanted interventions on collective bargaining and wage setting mechanisms, particularly through the CSRs. •    In this context a new method of internal and autonomous coordination is needed to prevent and/or counter such interventions, by involving the ETUC affiliates in a multi-level exercise (EU, national, sectoral), fully respecting the autonomy of social partners at the appropriate levels.
  • 19.06.2013 Document

    The Social Investment Package

    Brussels, 23/04/2013 Key messages; • The key concern is that the EU needs real social investment. Social benefits bring value to individuals and to society and therefore it is justified to dedicate adequate budget resources to deliver social benefits and services to the people who are in need and entitled to social rights. Europe needs a real investment package to promote growth, employment and ensure economic and social cohesion. The ETUC has called for an additional investment equivalent to 1-2% of European GDP.
  • 10.04.2013 Document

    Action plan on migration

    Brussels, 05-06/03/2013
 European migration policy is being deployed in a new institutional environment in which the European Parliament can intervene as co-legislator. It has opened doors to the greater involvement of civil society in a consultative role, from which the ETUC has benefitted as well.
  • 05.03.2013 Document

    ETUC Declaration on the proposed roadmap for a social dimension of the EMU

    Brussels, 05/03/2013 ETUC Declaration The ETUC considers that the proposal to discuss a social dimension of the EMU is too restrictive. Our commitment to the process of European integration depends on the fact that Europe is not a free trade zone, but an area whose objectives are economic and social progress. Therefore a discussion on the social dimension of the EMU is only acceptable if it triggers social progress in the whole of the European Union.
  • 05.03.2013 Document

    Declaration of the Executive Committee on the proposed roadmap for a social dimension of the EMU, including social dialogue

    Brussels, 05/03/2013 The ETUC considers that the proposal to discuss a social dimension of the EMU is too restrictive. Our commitment to the process of European integration depends on the fact that Europe is not a free trade zone, but an area whose objectives are economic and social progress. Therefore a discussion on the social dimension of the EMU is only acceptable if it triggers social progress in the whole of the European Union.
  • 17.10.2012 Document

    ETUC day of action and solidarity for a Social Compact for Europe

    Brussels, 17/10/2012 1. The ETUC Executive Committee meeting on 17 October 2012 call for a day of action and solidarity on 14 November 2012, including strikes, demonstrations, rallies and other actions, mobilising the European trade union Movement behind ETUC policies as set down in the Social Compact for Europe.
  • 27.03.2012 Document

    ETUC Action Programme on Gender Equality

    Brussels, 06-07/03/2012


 The EU has made significant progress over the last 50 years in promoting greater equality between women and men in society and in the labour market. Since its foundation EU equal treatment legislation has contributed and will contribute to equal participation of women and men in Europe’s economy and society. 

 With the new mandate for the period 2010-2014 the Commission adopted different EU instruments to deal with gender equality: 

  • 07.03.2012 Document

    ETUC Declaration on Greece

    Brussels, 07/03/2012 The ETUC Executive Committee meeting on 7 March 2012, expresses its full solidarity with the working people of Greece who are gravely and irreversibly affected by losses of jobs and income that erodes their ability to address the negative impact of the crisis.