• 02.07.2019 Document

    Climate Action Call

    Climate Action Call
    Joint Climat Action Call cosigned by the ETUC Scientists say that we face a climate emergency. We need decisive action in the next 10 years to put us on a transformative pathway in line with the targets of the Paris Agreement, including efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. We must act immediately to get on track for a healthy, fair and liveable future. This will not only reduce devastating impacts of climate change but also bring major economic and social benefits, attract new investments, create new quality jobs and limit health damages.
  • 27.06.2019 Document

    Set Maximum Work Temperatures Now

    All workers deserve to work in safe temperatures. In the week that many areas of Europe endure another heatwave, we call on the next European Commission to take this issue seriously and introduce a legislative instrument that recognises this increased risk to workers and provides a framework for protecting workers. Weather conditions do not respect national borders and so European action is required. Yet, unlike in other parts of the world, Europe has no binding legislation on safe maximum working temperatures.
  • 24.05.2019 Document

    Brexit statement

    STATEMENT APPROVED AT THE ETUC 14th Statutory Congress Vienna 21-24 May 2019   Brexit statement Congress notes that almost three years after the UK referendum on EU membership, negotiations between the EU and the UK on the terms of exit have concluded but that the UK government has repeatedly failed to secure approval for the Withdrawal Agreement in the British parliament.
  • 08.05.2019 Document

    European Social Partner’s Statement on the Rule of Law

    On 3 April 2019, the European Commission launched its Communication on “Further strengthening the Rule of Law within the Union. State of Play and possible next steps” (COM(2019) 163 final). It thereby invited the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council and the public at large to reflect on how strengthening the enforcement of the rule of law can make an essential contribution to the future of the European Union.
  • 17.04.2019 Document

    ETUC- MASZSZ letter to Magyar Nemzet

    Dear editor,  While fully respecting the editorial freedom of Magyar Nemzet, we are shocked at the publication of the article as ‘the left has targeted workers by trade unions too’ (6 April 2019) as a ‘news’ article.
  • 03.04.2019 Document

    The social partners of the Union for the Mediterranean - Joint statement

    The social partners of the Union for the Mediterranean JOINT STATEMENT Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean on employment and labour held on 2 and 3 April in Portugal Cascais, 2 April 2019 The social partners of the Union for the Mediterranean (hereinafter “the social partners”) welcome the holding of the 4th Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) which is being held on 3 April 2019 in Cascais, Portugal.
  • 18.03.2019 Document

    European Parliament elections 2019 - Statement of the European Social Partners

    The European Union has given long-lasting peace across our continent and has brought European people together around the fundamental values of democracy, human rights, freedom and equality. Democracy needs to be lived in order to remain alive. We therefore urge citizens across Europe to go out and vote in the European elections from 23-26 May 2019 in order to have a say on the future and to defend democracy, sustainable economic growth and social justice.
  • 28.01.2019 Document

    Support collective bargaining in Latvia

    The ETUC Executive Committee supports sectorial collective bargaining and autonomy of sectorial social partners in Latvia! Latvia is one of the countries where coverage of collective bargaining of less than 35% and regarding which the ETUC in spring 2018 has issued an unprecedented ‘emergency alert’ highlighting the threat to achieve decent wages and working conditions for Latvian workers.