27 January 2014 13:30

Europe risks a triple-dip recession, and needs a programme of public investment, to restore growth and create jobs.

The ETUC proposes an investment plan of 2% of EU GDP per year over ten years, leading to sustainable growth, to an environment friendly reindustrialisation of Europe and to social investments.  The plan would bring 11 million new jobs: /documents/etuc-declaration-new-european-commission

The €300bn investment plan presented by the new European Commission is not enough to have a major impact, and may not even raise the funds promised. The ETUC calls on EU Governments to boost the investment efforts /press/investment-commission-relying-financial-miracle  



The ETUC have already warned EU leaders that investment plan was not ambitious enough, but could be a step in the right direction 

The ETUC says the crisis is not over while there are still 25 million unemployed and 7.5 million young people neither in work, nor education nor training, and has repeatedly urged Jean-Claude Junker and the new European Parliament to drive the European Union in a new direction. Instead of sticking with failed austerity policies, the ETUC says  that European leaders  need to focus on unemployment.

The new Economic Semester launched by the new Commissioners sadly appears to rely on the same old ideas on structural reforms.   /press/european-semester-etuc-comment

A two page letter was sent to MEPs, in the first week of European Parliament’s new term, setting out ETUC priorities for the new Parliament: /etuc-letter-new-members-european-parliament

Bernadette Segol called on EU leaders meeting back proposals by French President François Hollande for an investment plan equal to 2% of EU GDP, and by Italian Premier Matteo Renzi to lift austerity measures and invest in growth and jobs.


This call for investment was reiterated ahead of EU’s recent Employment Summit on October 8 in Milan.  /press/trade-union-leaders-call-eu-investment-and-social-dialogue and at the Tripartite Social Summit just ahead of the October European Council.   /press/eu-risks-triple-dip-recession-and-3rd-jobless-peak




A giant message for EU leaders was erected next to EU headquarters during the week of the EU Summit in  June reminding leaders that there are 26 million unemployed in Europe and urged EU leaders to invest in growth and jobs: /press/its-message-eu-leaders




Tens of thousands of workers came to Brussels for a   European demonstration  on 4 April 2014.




National trade union leaders from all over Europe came together on March 19 to call for investment in jobs and growth . Several leaders took part in a meeting with Commission President Barroso and Council President Van Rompuy warning that the crisis was far from over. 




A key element of the ETUC New Path for Europe (Leaflet) is a bold new investment plan for the EU, based on a sustainable industrial policy and quality jobs.


The ETUC’S  manifesto (Leaflet) for the European Parliament elections urges candidates uphold the social dimension of the European Union, and reject polices that diminish wages and working conditions.

Useful material


Leaflet " A new path for Europe"/publications/new-path-europe-etuc-plan-investment-sustainable-growth-and-quality-jobs-leaflet


Leaflet " Eu:Invest in Sustainable & quality Jobs: /publications/euinvest-sustainable-growth-quality-jobs

Video " A New Path For Europe is what we want, now!:/press/new-path-europe-what-we-want-now