In the wake of Covid-19, understanding the mental health impact of the pandemic and learning from the way it was handled is crucial for trade unions.
They need to know what measures and initiatives can avoid putting hospitals and workers under similar pressure in case of future pandemics, and to address the structural mental health problems in the sector. The new COMET project will survey European health sector trade unions to examine how unions, workers and hospitals responded to mental health issues during and after the Covid-19 crisis, including through collective bargaining, social dialogue and works councils. Case studies will help to identify successful measures and useful lessons.
COMET (Covid-19 crisis, mental health of healthcare workers and trade union actions), coordinated by the European Public Service Union (EPSU), will disseminate the research findings and policy lessons to various groups, including healthcare trade unions, mental health professionals and policymakers.
Image by Helena Jankovičová Kováčová