• 07.03.2024 Press release

    ECB fails to reduce punishing interest rates

    The European Central Bank has chosen to maintain interest rates at their record high levels today, citing wage increases.  Real wages have fallen for two consecutive years while real profits have increased, so any objective assessment of inflation finds that it has been driven by profits not wages. The real compensation of workers in the EU, which represents pay after inflation is taken into account, fell by 0.7 per cent in 2023.
  • 02.03.2024 News

    Grave and worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza calls for more urgent EU response

    The catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza requires urgent action. In the face of recent developments, the EU must help avert further loss of civilian life. The ETUC calls on the EU to increase, speed up and ensure full delivery of funding and to redouble all efforts to ensure that lifesaving humanitarian aid, on the scale that is needed, is safely and urgently delivered. The EU should encourage governments who have suspended aid to immediately restore and increase humanitarian funding. 
  • 28.02.2024 Press release

    Human Rights Due Diligence: member states leave millions of workers, consumers and citizens behind

    Human rights due diligence
    The ETUC is increasingly concerned about the inability of the Council to agree political compromises. The latest example is the failure by governments to adopt the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.  Governments still have a two-week window to show political courage. The ETUC is calling for a vote in favour before the end of the European Parliament’s current mandate. 
  • 27.02.2024 Press release

    Amazon lobby ban must start corporate clean up

    Amazon lobbyists have been banned from the European Parliament after refusing to attend a hearing on the appalling working conditions in its warehouses.  At the hearing in January, MEPs heard from workers how they are “considered robots” tasked with achieving impossible productivity targets under constant surveillance. 
  • 27.02.2024 News

    Cutting ambition: EU budget scaled down

    EU budget cut
    National governments have reduced the top up of the EU budget until 2027 from an initial objective of €100 billion to €65 billion. The review of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), adopted yesterday by the EU, determines EU funding up to the end of 2027. The ETUC warns that EU funding to support working people through the digital and environmental transitions, to research and to strengthening care systems is facing severe cuts. Frugal Europe
  • 26.02.2024 Press release

    Enough is enough: zero accidents at work now

    The deaths of more than 30 construction workers on building sites across Europe over the last four months show the urgent need for EU action to raise safety standards in the sector.  The spate of fatal accidents involves many cross-border and migrant workers, who are more vulnerable to exploitation through subcontracting, undeclared or illegal work, and bogus self-employment.  
  • 16.02.2024 Press release

    Platform workers: action even more important after minority block

    Platform platform worker
    Overwhelming majority of EU member states have been held back in bringing in protections for delivery riders, taxi drivers and carers among others. Millions of workers will continue to be forced into false self-employment after a small number of national governments torpedoed the chance to find a deal on the platform work directive. Exactly 799 days since the Commission proposal, representatives of the French, German, Greek and Estonian governments vetoed the agreement found in trilogue negotiations between the EU institutions last week.
  • 13.02.2024 Press release

    ETUC welcomes Judith Kirton-Darling as General Secretary of the industriAll Europe

    Isabelle Barthès (left), Judith Kirton-Darling (right)
    The ETUC congratulates Judith Kirton-Darling on her appointment as General Secretary of industriAll Europe, as well as Isabelle Barthès as Deputy General Secretary. Having jointly led the organisation since May 2023, the industriAll Europe Executive Committee today confirmed her as General Secretary to lead the organisation until the end of the current mandate period in May 2025.
  • 31.01.2024 Press release

    Val Duchesse summit sets path out of social dialogue gridlock

    Trade unions and employers today agreed measures designed to end the gridlock in European social dialogue and better address joint challenges like climate change and digitalisation. The appointment of a social dialogue envoy within the European Commission is part of the plans to increase cooperation set out in the declaration agreed at the Val Duchesse summit today.  
  • 30.01.2024 Press release

    ‘Failure would compromise safety and erode trust’: Commission has four months to deliver asbestos promise

    Failure to deliver on a promise to improve protection from cancer-causing asbestos will have serious consequences for the health of people and democracy, trade unions have warned the European Commission President. In a letter sent to Ursula von der Leyen today, unions remind her that a commitment to deliver legislation on the screening and registration of asbestos in European buildings was included in the Commission’s work programme for 2023.
  • 25.01.2024 Press release

    High interest rates punishing workers for profit-driven inflation

    Responding to the European Central Bank's decision to keep interest rates at record levels, European Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Esther Lynch said: “Record interest rates are piling unnecessary financial pressure on working people and risk pushing the economy into a job-destroying recession.” “That is a high price to pay for a policy which economists have said is not actually bringing down inflation.
  • 25.01.2024 Press release

    EU labour authority needs powers to tackle labour exploitation

    The European Labour Authority (ELA) needs more powers and resources to properly tackle the exploitation of cross-border workers, the ETUC will tell policymakers today. Non-payment of wages, social security fraud, health and safety breaches and poor-quality accommodation are among the most common rights violations faced by some of Europe’s 10 million mobile workers.
  • 24.01.2024 Press release

    Improvements to European Works Councils under new draft directive

    The European Commission today presented its proposal for a revision of the directive on European Works Councils (EWCs), the voice of workers in multinational companies. The proposal clarifies the decisions over which the EWCs must be consulted; management must finalise any consultation before taking a decision; EWCs must get adequate funding.
  • 16.01.2024 Press release

    100bn in cuts next year under Council austerity plan

    EU member states could be forced to collectively cut their budgets by more than 100 billion Euro next year under the Council’s plans to reintroduce austerity measures. France (26bn), Italy (25bn), Spain (14bn), Germany (11bn), Belgium (8bn) and the Netherlands (6bn) would have to make the biggest annual cuts to meet the deficit reduction targets within four years. Member states could request to extend the cuts over a seven year period but risk to be in exchange for commitments to harsher anti-worker economic reforms.
  • 11.01.2024 Press release

    Belgian presidency must embrace spirit of Delors and deliver platform directive

    The Council under the leadership of the Belgian presidency of the EU must deliver a strong platform work directive as a first step towards ending precarious work and returning to the social Europe envisioned by Jacques Delors. That is the call Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), made in Namur at the first meeting of employment and social affairs ministers under the Belgian presidency, welcoming the focus put on quality jobs and on the European Pillar of Social Rights.
  • 22.12.2023 Press release

    Council must deliver platform directive

    The EU Council today failed to approve the outcome of trialogue negotiations on the platform work directive. Responding to the decision, ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet said: “A balanced agreement giving the most basic rights to platform workers is being held up for no good reason based on the objections of a small minority. "This sends the wrong message to hardworking taxi drivers and delivery workers during their busiest period of the year.
  • 22.12.2023 Press release

    Highly unionised enjoy a month more free time

    The benefits of collective bargaining to work-life balance are revealed this Christmas in EU data which shows workers in countries with the highest levels of coverage enjoy up to a month more leisure time - without loss of pay - every year than other workers. An analysis to coincide with the holidays by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) of Eurofound data on collectively agreed working time for full-time workers found that:
  • 20.12.2023 Press release

    REACH: EU Commission blocks health protections for workers

    The European Commission is moving to postpone the review of the crucial chemicals regulation, REACH, to the next Commission. Coupled with the news that it has cancelled the initiative on asbestos screening, this is a major blow to efforts to protect people’s health at work. The postponement was hinted at by Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius and confirmed by DG GROW in a letter received by ETUC this week. The review was due by 2022. In delaying it until after the current mandate’s end, the Commission has failed to live up to its responsibility.