• 20.08.2020 Press release

    Sanctions need to hit Lukashenko and cronies hard

    Commenting on the special EU video summit on Belarus Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said “The words of the EU leaders on Belarus were strong and I hope they send a clear and powerful message to Lukashenko. It remains to be seen what the targeted sanctions will be and whether they will be as hard-hitting as the words spoken suggest. The EU needs to follow up with decisive action including sanctions that hit Lukashenko and his cronies very hard.”
  • 17.08.2020 Press release

    Unions call for EU sanctions against Belarus

    Protest in Belarus
    The European trade union movement, in a letter today to Presidents von der Leyen, Michel and Sassoli, urges the European Union to EU relations with Belarus including “the reintroduction of commensurate sanctions for electoral fraud and violence.”
  • 05.08.2020 Press release

    MFF and Recovery Plan: the ETUC demands reinforcement of social partners involvement

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wrote a letter today to the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission to ask for urgent meetings with the aim to discuss how to reinforce the social partners’ involvement in the design, governance and implementation of MFF and Recovery Plan, at both European and national levels.  ETUC also insists on ensuring that respect of social dialogue, collective bargaining and workplace democracy are binding conditions for funding.
  • 30.07.2020 Press release

    Two million posted workers finally receive equal pay

    Posted workers
    Two million Europeans working abroad will begin benefiting from better pay and conditions from today as the revised posted workers directive comes into force. The revision, once transposed into national law by member states, enshrines the principle that people doing the same work in the same place must receive the same wage. It should also oblige employers to cover the cost of travel, board and accommodation of posted workers.
  • 24.07.2020 Press release

    Covid heroes need collective bargaining to win equal pay, confirms OECD

    The OECD have backed trade unions’ calls for the EU to extend collective bargaining coverage to close the gender pay gap, especially for women who worked on the frontline of the Covid crisis.  In a new report, the OECD said “women in temporary and part-time jobs face substantial gender wage gaps”, citing the example of essential workers like carers and cleaners.  
  • 23.07.2020 Press release

    Unions back MEPs demanding EU budget & recovery plan improvements 

    Commenting on the European Parliament’s resolution, adopted today, on the EU Recovery Plan and EU budget which will lead to tough negotiations between the EU institutions, Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation said “The European Parliament is right to attack the European Council’s proposed cuts to the EU budgets for solvency support, health and the Just Transition Fund. Trade unions strongly support MEPs in demanding these budgets are restored, and to stand firm against the pressure they will come under from national governments.
  • 21.07.2020 Press release

    EU Recovery Plan good news for 60 million at risk of unemployment

    Reacting to the adoption of the EU Recovery Plan by the European Council, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said: “The adoption of the EU Recovery Plan is good news for the 60 million people across the EU who depend on rapid investment to save their jobs or avoid long term unemployment. The ETUC thanks Presidents Michel and von der Leyen, and the more forward-looking leaders, for their perseverance in reaching an agreement in the most difficult EU negotiations ever.
  • 15.07.2020 Press release

    60m workers depend on EU recovery fund

    Over 10 per cent of the EU’s population are relying on the recovery fund to avoid or escape unemployment, trade unions have told national leaders ahead of a crucial EU summit. The European Trade Union Confederation has written to the leaders of the EU institutions and all 27 heads of state to urge them not to further delay adoption of the 750bn Euro package needed to save and create jobs. The ETUC reminds leaders that there are currently:
  • 09.07.2020 Press release

    Long distance drivers win real rest breaks as MEPs back Mobility Package

    Lorry driver
    Lorry, bus and coach drivers will benefit from real rest breaks and more time at home under new rules adopted by the European Parliament today following a long-running campaign by trade unions. MEPs have supported major reforms of the road transport sector known as the Mobility Package which will: 
  • 07.07.2020 Press release

    National UPdates n°17 - July 2020

    Dear readers,Over recent months, trade unions across Europe have been working flat out to defend workers’ health and jobs during the coronavirus crisis. Our summer edition of National UPdates highlights just a few samples of action at national level, in different sectors and with different partners. They illustrate how unions and employers should have a shared interest in safeguarding workers and maintaining jobs and wages through the pandemic.