• 29.03.2019 Press release

    Better than status quo, but another missed opportunity for more democracy at work!

    Dem at work
    The Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament will vote on Monday on the agreement reached between the European Council, Commission and Parliament on the Directive on cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions, part of the so-called Company Law Package. A Directive to regulate cross-border restructuring processes is important and the result of the negotiations contains some improvements.
  • 27.03.2019 Press release

    South Korea must honour commitment to workers’ rights

    Liina Carr, ETUC Conferderal Secretary
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has been following - with growing concern and frustration - discussions in South Korea about the ratification and full implementation of fundamental UN ILO Conventions, notably Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Convention 98 on Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining, which the South Korean government committed to in the 2011 EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement.
  • 25.03.2019 Press release

    Workers in 8 EU countries worse off than 10 years ago!

    The wages of workers in 8 EU countries are lower on average - in ‘real terms’ (adjusted for inflation) – than ten years ago. A new study by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) – to be published tomorrow – shows that average wages in UK, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Croatia and Cyprus were lower in 2018 than in 2009. It also shows that real wages have stood still – with zero increase – in Belgium and Finland – over the same period. The figures show that average wages, adjusted for inflation, went down 2009-19 by
  • 20.03.2019 Speech

    Speech given by Luca Visentini Tripartite Social Summit

    Luca TSS
    Speech given by Luca Visentini at the Tripartite Social Summit on 20 March 2019 in Brussels Check against delivery Dear President Tusk, dear President Juncker, dear Prime Minister Dăncilă, Dear Vice President, Commissioner, Ministers, authorities and colleagues, This Tripartite Social Summit takes place two months before the European elections, and we all bear the responsibility to launch a positive message to European citizens, workers and businesses:
  • 14.03.2019 Press release

    Trade unions support Action for Climate

    Eight European trade unions are supporting the global day of protest being staged by young people against climate change on Friday: ETUC, EFJ, EFBWW, EPSU, EFFAT, ETF, Uni-Europa and IndustriAll (representing workers in energy intensive industries).
  • 12.03.2019 Press release

    Start of culture change for whistleblowers?

    Whistleblowing Directive 2
    The ETUC gives a cautious welcome to the agreement for EU legislation on whistleblowing and the introduction of an EU wide obligation on employers to both protect and listen to workers who raise concerns at work. The Directive requires employers with more than 50 employees to have written workplace whistleblowing procedures in place.
  • 06.03.2019 Press release

    ETUC launches Women’s Day call for vote for gender equality in European elections

    The European elections in May are the most important for decades – and the turnout and vote of women will be crucial to halt the rise of the anti-European and far-right parties.  On 8 March – International Women’s Day - the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) launches a call for women to vote in the European elections, and to vote for women candidates who support gender equality and trade union demands for a fairer Europe for all workers.