National Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Romania "Frăția (C.N.S.L.R. FRĂȚIA)

National Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Romania "Frăția (C.N.S.L.R. FRĂȚIA)

Person of contact

National Confederation of Free Trade Unions in Romania "Frăția (C.N.S.L.R. FRĂȚIA)

The current youth structure is composed of 1 president, 5 vice presidents and 1 executive secretary. Its mandate will end this year and elections will follow in the second part of this year. The team has initiated and completed an international project, collaborating with Macedonian youth structure and Bulgarian one.

Defining Trade Unions to YOUth, a project designed to explain, with a friendly vocabulary and using an attractive story and images. As activities, the youth structure initiated the creation of a national database at the confederal level. Also, training were organised in order to develop the youth commission members' skills and abilities.
