Winning a workers’ Europe

This International Workers’ Day, all eyes are on Europe. As we celebrate the bonds of friendship between workers and the collective power we have through our trade unions we also look ahead to the EU elections.

We know that by working together we can win together, in the workplace and at EU level, where we recently secured victories for workers in digital platforms and for real measures to hold corporations accountable throughout their supply chains. These highlight the potential of a social Europe that delivers for working people.

However, workers are facing serious challenges too. Attacks on the right to strike have been increasing. In Finland, the government is attempting to undermine workers’ ability to take collective action to demand fair wages and quality jobs. In Turkey, the government has attempted to isolate workers and is trying to stop the traditional Workers’ Day celebrations in Istanbul’s Taksim Square. The European trade union movement is united in its rejection of these attempts to silence workers.

International Workers’ Day reminds us that our collective power goes beyond borders. By taking action in the workplace, in the street and at the ballot box, we can overcome challenges, protect workers’ rights, and create workplaces that empower all. As we raise our voices today, let us honour the sacrifices of the past and build a brighter future for workers everywhere. 

Together, we can win a fair deal for working people at a national, sector and European level. We can win an EU  built on quality jobs with collective bargaining and social dialogue at its core.

1 May