18 - 19 October: meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee

Brussels, 17/10/2006

Trade union leaders will examine, among other items, proposals for safeguarding vital public services in Europe, following the European Parliament's call in September for a legal framework for services of general (economic) interest (SGIs and SGEIs).

The Committee, on which all ETUC-affiliated organisations in 36 European countries are represented, will discuss the trade union response to the pressing problem of climate change. It will also examine a draft resolution on proposals to establish a European Qualifications Framework recognising the skills and knowledge acquired through lifelong learning.
In view of the debate within the European Commission and Parliament on the possible introduction of a European Private Company Statute, the Committee will set out an ETUC position on this issue, highlighting the need to take account of the rights of workers.

Reports will be presented on developments in the framework of the European social dialogue - specifically on violence and harassment at work and the implementation of the social partners' teleworking agreement.
Nikolaus van der Pas, the Director-General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, will attend the meeting.